Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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This article was funny-strange since only the first paragraph made sense. The remaining 80 percent of the article was nonsensical placeholder "filler-text" Latin. "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit," etc.

That's the point. Actually, the headline and the first paragraph contradict each other (70 % don't read / 70 % read), and the second paragraph has only filler text.

So, if you share that on facebook, either you really like the humour of it, or you are one of the 70 % who don't read before sharing :D
So, if you share that on facebook, either you really like the humour of it, or you are one of the 70 % who don't read before sharing :D

Thank you for explaining that. :) What can I say? That's a bit too subtle for my poor weak head.
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