Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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Vegetarian Calculator by Year

How many years have you been a vegetarian? TWO YEARS TODAY!! :jump:

How many animals you saved: 404

How many lbs of meat you didn't eat: 390

Lbs of CO2 not released into the atmosphere: 3,218

COOL!! :up: :chickens: :pig:
How many years have you been a vegetarian? 7
How many animals you saved: 1,414
How many lbs of meat you didn't eat: 1,365
Lbs of CO2 not released into the atmosphere: 11,261
Still no cable at Jerry's... I watch DVDs upstairs & we watch YouTube videos downstairs on Roku. We stumbled upon this utterly hilarious fellow yesterday & both agreed this is our favorite cooking show we've ever seen. LOL :D

I love the creatively wacky randomness and I absolutely ADORE the dry, dead-pan humor! :lol: :smitten:

I'll include a link to all (not-in-order) episodes and a vid where he's a "robot" making a grilled cheese. LMFAO :rofl:

you suck at cooking - YouTube

PLEASE TAKE NOTE... many episodes (including this one) are NSFW!!

And of course, this is easily made vegan... and way healthier. LOL :p Just have a few laughs....

‘You Suck at Cooking’ Brings the Humor to Halloween
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I love this veggie skull but it won't completely fit for my avatar.... oddly appropriate for World-Vegan-Day-of-the-Dead! :p


And here's a cabbage skull.... LOL

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