Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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Irish artist Jan Campbell carves avocado pits into tiny sculptures.... <3




I love these!
This invokes feelings of bliss, serenity, joy, magic, exhilaration.... Love it.

What an amazing footage<3. Love it too.
In my slumbers i'm often flying over the landscapes i've never seen before: flying without a paraglider,- just with the power of thought. And it feels super real. "Virtuality". It keeps me feeling alive.:ma:
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Merry russian coalminers from Kolyma are feeding a cute wild bear with cookies through the window. And the bear is giving a paw! (just to get another cookie, hehe:D)
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand ) at the agricultural Fieldays yesterday......with three days to the due date of the birth of her baby.
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Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and partner Clarke Gayford have welcomed their first baby.

Their daughter was born at 4.45pm at Auckland City Hospital and weighs 3.31kg.

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