Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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"The Epic of Gilgamesh in Sumerian".:innocent:
This could belong to "What are you listening to now" thread, but it is just so cool!:up: I found this video a year ago and i still admire Peter Pringle in this clip. In general, i love his art very much,- from his younger years to his performing on theremin and different restored ancient instruments.:smitten:
[English subtitles added]:)

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Has anyone heard of Meow Wolf?? I'm obsessed! :smitten: I think because it reminds me so much of many of the bizarre point-and-click adventure/mystery games I've played... but it's all hand-on & interactive! :woo:

Visitors say it cannot be described in words... that pictures & videos can't begin to do it justice....

It all seems very "Through the Looking Glass".... :weird: And Meow Wolf's House of Eternal Return appears to be the big fave. :up:

Meow Wolf - Wikipedia ---- Immersive Experiences | Meow Wolf ---- Meow Wolf: Origin Story | Meow Wolf Documentary

I just watched the entire 20-minute video above.... If you have the time & are in the mood for a mind-warping "tour," I strongly suggest you settle in & watch it, too. :tinfoilhat: Wow! I wanna go so bad!! That's my f*ckin' wheelhouse, right there! :D LMAO
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I hate how scared they must have been but such a wonderful, heartwarming outcome. :)

Do we know they’re backstory? I could probably google it...
Shamrock is a native Florida bobcat kitten who appears to have been born around 1/15/18. She was found, separated from her mom on Feb. 2, 2018 by a group of people who called Wildlife Inc., on Anna Maria Island, to come rescue her. Damen Hurd, of Wildlife Inc., said they searched for the mother and could not reunite them, so the kitten was nursed to health while they looked for a facility that could offer her the next stage of rehab.

On March 8, 2018 we were called to rescue a bobcat who had been hit by a car on Harrison Ranch Road in Parrish, FL but that was an hour away. A local rehabber, named Damen Hurd, got there first and was able to get the bobcat to his vet much more quickly than we would have been able to get him back to Tampa. We arrived on the scene just minutes after Damen had already left for the vet’s office.

We kept in touch with Damen, only to learn that the bobcat had died from his injuries while still in intensive care at the vet’s office at 2 am the following morning.

During our conversations he mentioned they had a bobcat kitten in rehab. Because we have Clover and Lucky, who might be suitable playmates, and because of the extensive runs we’ve created for the final stages of rehab, we decided to work together on her final rehab by transferring her to Big Cat Rescue. Be sure to support their work and show them some love here: Security Check Required

Damen helped bring Shamrock to Big Cat Rescue on March 13, 2018. It’s great to collaborate with rehabbers who understand the importance of keeping these native bobcats wild so they can be released back where they belong
I’m happy now. Doesn’t take much. :)
Interesting video - I guess you already know that, but it always helps to have some backup if you need to argue with somebody who does not know ...

I’m happy now. Doesn’t take much. :)

Big Cat Rescue is a wonderful place! I support them through Amazon Smile and I am on their Facebook group. I want to go there really really bad but the admission is expensive. Someday we will manage it though!
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