Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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Wow...I'm quite sure I'll be dead in 68 years...but I still care. :(

This image is a portion of a new photo showing the central area of the Milky Way galaxy, released by astronomers at the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory in Chile two weeks ago.

The photo shows 84 million stars in an image measuring 108,500×81,500, which contains nearly 9 billion pixels, and is actually a composite of thousands of individual photographs shot with the observatory's VISTA survey telescope.

See the full size, zoomable version here:

When I read this post, someone had said along with it that they had gathered the caterpillar for their friend's insect collection so they threw it a birthday party before he would have the chance to gas it to death and stick a pin in it. I remember it because it made me feel sick to my stomach.

So either someone else posted it first and the person who posted it when I read it made it more cruel, or the person who posted that read it and reposted it as nicer.

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