Post something cool from the Internet -2018

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My daughter sent this to me in an email...I think it's awful and really mean...but I found it funny...what does that make me? Awful and mean, I suppose, lol.

It is VERY mean, but I also found it hilarious. :P Perhaps because we know that the people ended up okay and furthermore gave permission for the video to be published?

Also, that elevator is thankfully not a very claustrophobic one, so there isn't nearly as much of a chance for harm or legitimate fear.
I didnt think the Ghost thing was funny one bit. I found it a digusting portral of humour. What if one of those people had a problem that caused them to react more violently or ending up bringing on panic attacks or even a heart attack.
Sorry if it seems like party pooper or something but anyone who finds that funny needs to take a step back and think about what theyre laughing at.

I didnt think the Ghost thing was funny one bit. I found it a digusting portral of humour. What if one of those people had a problem that caused them to react more violently or ending up bringing on panic attacks or even a heart attack.
Sorry if it seems like party pooper or something but anyone who finds that funny needs to take a step back and think about what theyre laughing at.


I thought the same about the one I posted earlier, where they made it look as if the floor of the lift had fallen out. That would have scared me shitless and given me a lifelong phobia of lifts, as someone who is terrified of heights anyway.
It is VERY mean, but I also found it hilarious. :P Perhaps because we know that the people ended up okay and furthermore gave permission for the video to be published?


Good point. And its probably the shock factor of it being so outrageous that makes one giggle. But I stand duly chastised for laughing :(I know if it were done to me I would be mad as all heck...I do not have much of a sense humor when it comes to practical jokes in general. I think the one where the floor appears to fall out is worse, IMO.
Good point. And its probably the shock factor of it being so outrageous that makes one giggle. But I stand duly chastised for laughing :(I know if it were done to me I would be mad as all heck...I do not have much of a sense humor when it comes to practical jokes in general. I think the one where the floor appears to fall out is worse, IMO.

I think it's okay to laugh, especially since we know the people were okay. It's the people who came up with the prank and put others in such a situation that should be chastised.

I read Bill Bryson's At Home, and it had a section about the dangers of stairs. How many people fall down stairs, how there is no perfect staircase (perfect in the sense that it has the right height and tread to avoid accidents) and so on. I have since developed a horrible fear of stairs and it's starting to affect my life. I wish I knew what to do to nip it in the bud before I can't set foot on a staircase at all without crippling fear. The ghost video made me think of that, because lifts are a little tricky for me because of the height thing but if the stair thing carries on they will be my salvation!
I'm scared of falling down stairs too LS as I missed a step and fell down mine a few years ago. It was so painful!

That lift stunt was out of order but it was still funny.:oops: I don't know why anyone would have thought it was real anyway, it's completely ridiculous, maybe the people were actors.
I would think it funny if the lights went off and when they came on Al Gore was standing there grinning, and when the lights went off, he disappeared again.
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You guys reminded me of this video. One step is a fraction of an inch higher than the rest on these subway stairs. I never thought it was funny, but I was amazed to see that something so tiny and practically invisible could cause people to trip. In the comments people are talking about how they've always tripped over these steps and never knew why.

The good news is that after this video went viral, the city fixed the step.

Lord Snot and Moll Flanders, you may not want to watch the video.

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It makes sense, you get into a rhythm when you go up stairs and one step being a different size throws that out. There is actually a science behind stairs, people have worked out the height/tread/width/etc that makes you least likely to trip or fall on stairs. The problem is that the 'perfect' numbers are different for walking up stairs and walking down them, so no staircase can be perfect. I have trouble walking down stairs because I get vertigo anyway, but I always feel like I'm going to slip. I could watch that video no problem but if the people had been walking down I wouldn't have been able to watch.
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