Rampant Racism in America

Thankfully for the nuts of those spewing this absurdity, I have yet to be present for it. I have seen many other racist/xenophobic things on the same spectrum. I recall this one time in college (small private Christian liberal arts school) my friend Amber and I were having a conversation in Spanish outside the library. (Amber is black, and I am white.) An acquaintence walked by and jeered “This is America! Speak English!” To which I replied “Why does this school offer Spanish as a major if you can’t speak it here?” Shut that bozo up.
Yeah but they keep the view on that spews a few worse stuff.

I’ve never watched The View, but I see a lot of conservatives complaining about it on the internet, so I have to assume that there’s plenty of liberal commentary that the conservatives don’t like. I don’t know if it’s racist, but it seems as if the conservatives want the show canceled more for political reasons than racism reasons.
Funny that that is an actual real quote.

Roseanne is going to go back to standup, right? It's obvious. She has too may priors. Toxic for TV. TV career is mostly over. Standup is outside of the mainstream, a bit more edgy than TV. Standup you pretty much employ yourself, you can't be fired. What she did wasn't bad enough to make it very hard for her to get bookings at theatres.

Coming to a theatre in a Republican state near you by 2019. You heard it here first.