Rampant Racism in America

That was your crowd down there in Old Virginia, Donald Trump.

They were speaking your language, vomiting your sentiments, acting out what animates you from within.

Don’t act as though you don’t know them. They believe and expect you are working to “take back America” for them, because you are of them, just as just they know — as do you — that they gave their all for you.

So why are any of us the least bit surprised that Trump’s devoted clan of white nationalists would be so emboldened as to brazenly emulate their klan forbears and take it to the streets? One of their own reached the White House, with their help. It’s enough to make an old Confederate proud, and a present-day white nationalist as arrogant, reckless and dangerous as can be.

Opinion | These are your people, President Trump

No, the white supremacists who came to Charlottesville couldn’t secure physical space in the city. But they can still claim a kind of victory. They revealed the extent to which they can threaten and intimidate with a certain amount of impunity. Compared with protests in places such as Ferguson, Missouri—where largely peaceful protesters were met with snipers, armored vehicles, and riot police—the response in Charlottesville was tame, with armed white supremacists facing restrained and measured law enforcement.

More importantly, they revealed the extent to which they hold politicalinfluence, such that the president of the United States refused to condemn them outright. The men who gathered under Unite the Right made clear that they saw Trump as an ally to their cause. And if Trump’s equivocation is any indication—if his unwillingness to name and shame the worst kind of racism is any sign—then that feeling is mutual.

The Charlottesville Rally Was a White-Power Movement Showing Its Strength
Yeah, this is f*cked.

They are organizing. Expect a lot more ugliness and soon, on a much broader level.

And for the love of God, folks: don't engage in centrist, both-sides-are-wrong rhetoric in the face of stuff like this. Antifa counterprotestors (along with online protest methods like doxxing) are really the only reason more people didn't die in that mess, and the only thing giving white supremacists pause. The police and the government certainly aren't.
"Both sides are wrong" statements are not a centerist position. Its secret code between the overt white supremist and their covert supporters.

Yeah, this is f*cked.

They are organizing. Expect a lot more ugliness and soon, on a much broader level.

And for the love of God, folks: don't engage in centrist, both-sides-are-wrong rhetoric in the face of stuff like this. Antifa counterprotestors (along with online protest methods like doxxing) are really the only reason more people didn't die in that mess, and the only thing giving white supremacists pause. The police and the government certainly aren't.
Best photo bomb ever.

LMAO! Beautiful! :jump:
I just love everything about that photo - the wanna be tough guys in their camo and with their guns, and then this guy, in his pink BLM shirt and pink belt in the midst of them, holding that sign.

Who's the real tough guy in that photo?!?!
I just love everything about that photo - the wanna be tough guys in their camo and with their guns, and then this guy, in his pink BLM shirt and pink belt in the midst of them, holding that sign.

Who's the real tough guy in that photo?!?!
That guy had the biggest balls of them all. :p Love, love, love it!
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I think it's time for the Left to start taking courses in gun safety.

If you catch my drift
I have been considering that. I used to have a gun until I had kids. I liked target shooting and would like to go to a simulation where you shoot pop up targets. There is a gun shop near me I think would be comfortable. So many gun places are full of NRA nut jobs.
What really struck me watching the coverage on the white supremists coverage is just how much you can't judge anyone by there appearance, but in a way I'd never thought about before. I've run into racists, but mostly the the ones who don't acknowledge it, just more prejudiced than really racist. I have met a few, and it's like I can barely think they're even human. They're crazy! Now I watch this crap and it's like, damn, they look just like me, I don't like that! It's like I want them all to have deep Southern accents and long unkempt beards- but lots of them are really cool.... I've never needed to think about racism this much, or be so scared.
I just love everything about that photo - the wanna be tough guys in their camo and with their guns, and then this guy, in his pink BLM shirt and pink belt in the midst of them, holding that sign.

Who's the real tough guy in that photo?!?!

I really think that picture was photo-shopped. If a BLM supporter with a pink shirt and an obviously derogatory sign walked into their camp, he most likely have been would be assaulted.
This state doesn't require a permit for open carry, only concealed carry, but some municipalities require a concealed carry permit if you're openly carrying.

I've been thinking about getting a concealed carry permit so that I could openly carry anywhere without having to worry about what a given municipality might enforce.

I might carry (openly) if idiots with guns start showing up at any of the protests I've been attending. I don't know - I have to think about it more. If I were to do it, it would be just to send a message to these guys. I would have the gun unloaded, because in a crowd situation, it's too easy to shoot the wrong people.
<---- No firearms for this gal... ever. These f*ckheads aren't ever going to make me feel like I need to carry a lethal weapon with me at all times. :ttth:

Oh, that wouldn't be why I would carry one (and I'd only carry at a protest where those guys would show up). I think they have guns because they think guns intimidate. That means they themselves are intimidated by guns. I think they are the kinds of cowards who pee themselves a little when they are faced with someone with a gun.
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Isn't there a gun thread this discussion could move to? I disagree 100% with that notion. You'd only carry a gun at a protest? And that sends what kind of message?? o_O

I'm with the side of peace & non-violence... and certainly no symbols of violence meant to "intimidate"... like they do. :down:
Isn't there a gun thread this discussion could move to? I disagree 100% with that notion. You'd only carry a gun at a protest? And that sends what kind of message?? o_O

I'm with the side of peace & non-violence... and certainly no symbols of violence meant to "intimidate"... like they do. :down:
O.K. - we can move the discussion to another thread. (I believe that some things cannot be stopped with non-violence. Hitler and the Nazis being one prime example.)