Rampant Racism in America

"Both sides are wrong" statements are not a centerist position. Its secret code between the overt white supremist and their covert supporters.

That's part of it for sure, but quite a bit of it is just insufferable liberals who don't get why "opinions" that intrinsically threaten violence are any different from like, political opinions on taxes or some ****.

I've seen a lot of well-meaning folks who are blindly parroting the very rhetoric used by white supremacists to defend their ********, as you said.

I think it's time for the Left to start taking courses in gun safety.

If you catch my drift

Yeah. I don't know how much use I'd be with that myself, but I'm no longer the anti-gun-control advocate I used to be. In a stable society it'd be a no-brainer to get rid of all the guns but we're not living in that world.

I really think that picture was photo-shopped. If a BLM supporter with a pink shirt and an obviously derogatory sign walked into their camp, he most likely have been would be assaulted.

Ehh, a lot of them won't bother because they're waiting for the counterprotestors to get frustrated and make a violent move. That way they have vague legal grounds for assaulting or killing them, which is enough for most good 'ol boys on juries and in the police departments. WBC certainly uses this strategy for counterprotestors (though more with lawsuits than any overt violent action).

I believe that some things cannot be stopped with non-violence. Hitler and the Nazis being one prime example.

Bingo. Nonviolence as a broad philosophy is a nice idea but is unrealistic and can lead to more deaths due to inaction. It is not as out and enlightened as people want to think.

(I'll join in on that other thread eventually, just wanted to get my input in.)
That means they themselves are intimidated by guns. I think they are the kinds of cowards who pee themselves a little when they are faced with someone with a gun.

I am not sure whether that is a good idea. I am afraid there will be some morons who think of themselves as being in the heritage of old-west-gunslingers, where everything was fine as long as you drew quicker than your opponent. They might actually be wanting to confront you. Mind you, they only have to claim that they "rightfully feared for their life" as sufficient reason to kill other people. I do consider a gun a dangerous prop to use to make your point, especially an unloaded one.
Good article, long but worth reading:

What Happened in Charlottesville Is All Too American

Joshua Zeitz said:
If it’s historically inaccurate to claim this is not who we are, or who we have been, it’s essential to believe that this is not who we should be.

The white supremacy on display in Charlottesville is not a betrayal of American history. It is a return to our darker past. It’s crudely revanchist, it threatens the very core of our democracy and for the first time in a long time, it enjoys safe harbor and nurture in the highest corridors of power.
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The headliner for Saturday’s Boston Free Speech rally is canceling his plans to attend the event on Boston Common and believes other organizers will also drop out, citing hostility towards the gathering on the part of Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh in the wake of the deadly attack at a far-right rally in Charlottesville, Va. on Saturday.
McInnes, a 37-year-old Canadian citizen, said he does not like going to rallies like the one planned Saturday because of their tendency to draw counter-protestors. Left-leaning groups promised a robust response to Saturday’s rally, and Walsh himself did not rule out participating if a march or other counter-protest was put together.

I don’t enjoy being screamed at by mentally ill communists,” McInnes said.

'Proud Boys' founder cancels plans to attend Boston Free Speech rally

Poor white supremacists. Such delicate little flowers.
That being said, it is crucial not to underestimate the violence and aggression these people are capable of. I've seen a lot of "how pathetic, they had tiki torches!" and such lately and while taking the **** out on them is fun, the fact that they terrify so many people, especially in minority groups, despite often appearing incompetent and weird is not an overreaction.

It's not inaccurate to say many of them just talk a big game and are cowards, but on the other hand many are genuinely very terrifying and competent at maiming and killing. I mean, that's sort of the issue in the first place. Many nazis are whiny alt-right losers but many others, probably more, are remorseless, cruel, physically aggressive, and trained for combat.
That being said, it is crucial not to underestimate the violence and aggression these people are capable of. I've seen a lot of "how pathetic, they had tiki torches!" and such lately and while taking the **** out on them is fun, the fact that they terrify so many people, especially in minority groups, despite often appearing incompetent and weird is not an overreaction.

It's not inaccurate to say many of them just talk a big game and are cowards, but on the other hand many are genuinely very terrifying and competent at maiming and killing. I mean, that's sort of the issue in the first place. Many nazis are whiny alt-right losers but many others, probably more, are remorseless, cruel, physically aggressive, and trained for combat.

Also, one should never underestimate how dangerous fear can be. The worst bites I have gotten have been from terrified ferals.