Chris Newman said:"It isn't Richard Spencer calling the cops on me for farming while Black. It's nervous White women in yoga pants with 'I'm with Her' and 'Coexist' stickers on their German SUVs."
I'm getting really, really tired of nonwhites of both sexes blaming both societal problems and their own personal problems on white women.Because our political views and our lifestyle choices are somehow to blame for everything that's wrong with America today and that means it's okay to insult us and our political views and our lifestyle choices. Like yoga pants and Starbucks coffee are suddenly the reason why cops murder black people or something.
And nonwhite women get a pass on their political views and their lifestyle choices because they're TWICE AS OPPRESSED and nobody is allowed to say anything offensive about them. But white women are at fault for our own existence and our choices in life are automatically wrong and we have to shut up if we say "the wrong thing".
Amy, I love you, but this is super racist.
"Nonwhites" is no way to refer to anyone, and jokes about yoga pants and Starbucks are beyond harmless, especially compared to the **** people of color have to deal with. "Not being able to take spicy food" and "liking silly irrelevant lifestyle choices" really are not negative stereotypes. We can live with it.
I absolutely understand how FortyTwo sees it as racist, although I'm sure Amysf doesn't.
but this is super racist.
"Nonwhites" is no way to refer to anyone
Uh, yeah, those 'nonwhites' have been acknowledging this term as racist for as long as I've been around.It does not look racist to me and I don't think "nonwhites" is that bad. Isn't it just another word for "ethnic minorities"? This is where we might be crossing a line from fighting discrimination into excessive political correctness. If enough "nonwhites" were to say they don't like the word enough times, perhaps we shouldn't use it....
Should we round up all German millennials for their great-grandfathers's participation in WWII?...
Just because there's no intent of racism doesn't mean it's not racist. We have a young newcaster here that used the term "porch monkey" once. She got horrified angry responses, but her reaction and explaination was that while she had heard that phrase used she really had no idea what was meant by it, and only thought it referred to little kids hanging out, like maybe they were grounded and couldn't go outside of their homes-which was very believable. She meant nothing racist, but yes, that was a super racist comment regardless of intention.
If you think of someone saying "those non-members" in terms of areas with country clubs, or "those kids in non private schools", "not college educated" you might see the problem here.
Uh, yeah, those 'nonwhites' have been acknowledging this term as racist for as long as I've been around.
The reality is that so called "political correctness' has always gone on- under the term 'common courtesty". It seems it's used more now as a push back when we stubbornly refuse to accept that things that don't bother us can be hurtful to others, and we try and understand why instead of insisting on being able to do them.
Stereotyping isn't going to go away. It's human nature. Better to appreciate that prejudice is simply what we've been exposed to, and it's different for everyone. We shouldn't hate or fear those differences, or their stereotypes.
I was certainly teased about the 'white women got Trump elected', so what? Its not as though that stereotype wasn't caused by the facts behind it! If I were disliked, if I were blamed for being a white women and targeted as someONE who caused Trumps election- that would be hateful. Being teased as being part of a stereotype is simple an observation-and people can and should, learn from those observations.