No, but that is how the extreme Left interprets it. Did you watch the video I posted above? #165 starting at approx. 4:30
And it is concerning that no one here will acknowledge that all lives matter. The statement is so politically charged, that people are afraid to admit a fundamental truth.
Can you say it?
Ignoring the political baggage, and taking the statement at face value, do you believe that all lives matter? Yes or No? No wall of text please. No caveats. No qualified statements. Just yes or no.
"It's blatantly facetious, not helpful, and serves no purpose other than to shut down an important discussion that needs to be happening.
It doesn't shut down discussion about important issues concerning black people. It is an all inclusive statement meaning that we should be concerned for all...including black people.
Go ahead and quote the post where you think I was being facetious.
- treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
It absolutely shuts down the conversation because ignoring the context of the origin of All Lives Matter takes any discussion of race and violence against people of color by police right out of the picture. ALM effectively glosses over the issue of police violence against people of color and excuses racial profiling and racial inequity. It does nothing to solve the problem. It's turning a blind eye to people whose lives are in danger every day in ways white people don't have to even think about. It's another example of white people refusing to really listen to people of color and whining "what about me?" It would be great if we lived in a world where people were considered equal, but we don't. The amount of denial in this country regarding racism is astounding to me.