Rampant Racism in America

Our county executive sent around an email last week to all employees saying that she was going to hold an event today...Putnam Stands For America. It turned out to be a pretty big deal. There were a few posts on fb where residents were really going at it...those for standing and those saying people have the right to kneel. Two of the threads got shut down, lol. And supposedly there was a group that was going there to kneel. I will have to wait for the local paper tomorrow to see if anything like that went down. So far there is only one thread with some pictures from the event and one comment on it..."Wow. Look at all those old fat white folks standing around. Sure does send a message." And then the admin removed it.
I am not so sure what to think about all the kneeling going on everywhere now.

My impression is that people do it in order to spite Dump (which sounds like a worthwile objective) however without giving much consideration to the underlying reasons.

So ... when will we see a Pepsi commercial in which Kendall Jenner and a hot young policeman (preferrably belonging to a fashionable minority) drink a Pepsi and then take a knee together, laughing, smiling?
Symbols of resistance to the establishment do often get co-opted by the establishment as a way of devaluing that symbol. I’m old enough to remember when a simple demonstration of the peace sign on banners and cars would enrage Vietnam War hawks. Now you see it as a fashion decoration on everything from reusable water bottles to handbags to pencils. It’s been rendered meaningless as a symbol. So yeah, I can believe that people will start inanely “taking a knee” without understanding what it truly means.
One thing is when symbols of resistance get co-opted by the establishment. Another thing is when the movements themselves get infiltrated by Russia: Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US? (30. September 2017)

It's hard to say at this point how far this infiltration and influencing campaign has gone, so without further evidence I guess we shouldn't assume it has gone very far, but the potential is there.
I have recently come to despair about racism in the US, simply by following some online discussions.

Worst was a recent discussion I followed regarding a probationary firefighter in Detroit, who was fired after he brought, on his first day in a fire station with a majority black team, as gift a huge watermelon with a pink bow.

While I as European was not aware that atermelons are one of a number of racist tropes used to insult black people since maybe 100 years ago, I quickly learned about that and understand its significance simply by reading the corresponding online discussion.

What keeps baffling me is the amount of white Americans who obviously either should understand the issue (or should quickly comprehend it if pointed out to them, like I did) but obstinately keep insisting that only "snowflakes" would consider that inappropriate at all, and by pointing it out, black people would only be creating all the problems in America today by "making everything about race".

Take a look at the responses under an article written about the incident by a journalist, himself a person of colour.
White Detroit firefighter terminated for 'racially insensitive' watermelon gift

Somehow this reminded me of that incidents in the past, when some people - during Obama's presidency - attended processions with caricatures showing Obama, drawn as a stereotyped black person with exaggerated features and a noose around his neck. Of course you could argue "Come on, don't be snowflakes, this is not insulting at all, most white people do not find that offensive at all" ... but obviously not if you are a somehow decent person.
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Some black people refuse to eat chicken, because eating fried chicken is a racial stereotype similar to eating watermelon. So they just avoid eating chicken altogether.
Some black people refuse to eat chicken, because eating fried chicken is a racial stereotype similar to eating watermelon. So they just avoid eating chicken altogether.
:wtf: Um.... :argh: Yeah... what?!?

You know this HOW, exactly??? o_O :confused: I'm still cringing, dude.... wow.
Because it has been discussed on the web and elsewhere.
I'm quite certain it has, but yikes, man.... (still cringing) ---- Because it's "on the web" does not make it true or definitive... nor does "the web" speak for all people. I mean, you must be aware of that, right??

This is making feel all skin-crawly, it's so f*cking uncomfortable.... :bag:

And I would strongly suggest that you don't ever get your "info" from those sites anymore. :dismay:
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Here is an article concerning the linking with certain foods with race.

Making Fried Chicken and Watermelon Racist

Unfortunately, it discusses fried chicken but not other kinds of chicken.
I'm not even going to read that. And I normally don't get deep into the sh*t here... you all know that... I want to keep things a bit lighter when I can... but this is really f*cking bothering me, so I'm going to sloppily try to make a point... I've been drinking (what else is new) and I'm trying to make dinner... so I'll quickly flip-flop things & put this to ya:

I'm a middle-aged, white heterosexual, born & raised & living in mid-Michigan... therefore I'm supposed to appreciate things like big GM trucks & being outdoorsy & camping & hunting & fishing, right? F*CK, NO! ON ALL COUNTS. And any others that come with a goddamn "Michigan" stereotype. :brood:

People are made up of persons and every person is an individual, with their own story, their own quirks, their own little things that make them unique.

I'm done now. I really want to be done now. :ttth: