Regarding spamming and trolling VB

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
I've been informed that members from here take pleasure in spamming and stirring up trouble on VeggieBoards. I haven't gone there to look for myself, so I don't know a thing about this.

If you want to spread the word about VV, I'm really truly very, very happy about that.

However, please try to do so in a non-spammy and classy way. We won't win anyone over by antagonizing them. Of course there are some people that can never be won over, but please remember that it can make us look bad to potential new members as well. So I would prefer you didn't do that.

As for trolling, I don't want VV to be associated with that either. If known VV members stir up trouble like that, it will again make us all look bad. So however tempting it might seem, and how much you might feel they deserve it, I would prefer that you instead channeled your anger/frustration into something positive for VV. See e.g. my other thread for ideas:

In addition we have a VV wiki (link in the top menu) that needs contributions. It can be edited by all members. Sleepydvder has started -- feel free to edit and improve his article (it could use some pictures etc) or create a new one.

I'm also hoping to install a business directory add-on that we'll use initially for restaurant reviews, and potentially for general product reviews. I'm still waiting for a new feature to be added to that add-on before I install it here though, so it might be a couple of weeks still.

This is just my opinion, and you will all have to decide for yourselves what you feel is the right thing to do.
This terrific and just what VV needs...but if you hadn't pointed it out, I would have never known about it.

I suggest making it more noticable, especially the FAQ section so newbies can find it without having to dig around.

Also, I presume this eliminates the need for a wikipedia page?
They're confusing organised efforts from VV to do things on VB (of which there has only been one - a plan to quietly PM people and invite them, which Huddler themselves made public) and people discontented with VB posting about their discontent there, who are also members here. There's no spamming or disruption originating from VV that I have seen, and I have been checking back occasionally.

Just today somebody randomly criticsed the actions of a poster there and linked it with VV, when it was nothing to do with VV:

Any disruption on VB has originated from their actions and the independent thoughts of members of VB. Apart from PMs, nobody has been directed or asked to do anything by VV. If they want people to stop posting on there about their unhappiness with Huddler/Michael/the switch over then they should look at their own behaviour and responses instead of complaining to you. I'm sure they would like to believe that the discontent isn't their fault, but they can't pass the buck - it is entirely their fault.
^^^ I don't even get the point of that post on vb? I have also kinda been checking back in on vb every so often, and I've seen a lot of frustration, but very little if any actual trolling. People (both people who have moved here and those that haven't) are still shaken up by the takeover. That's all.
The OP of that thread is brand new. It seems s/he is trying to be the VB champion/defender to gain favor with the mods. I guess the poster feels it's a safe bet that people will rally behind him/her.

Thread hasn't received much activity...
Okay, that's all good then. It sounds like maybe the person who contacted me (one of the brand new members over there) was overreacting a bit and not giving me the straight story.
The OP of that thread is brand new. It seems s/he is trying to be the VB champion/defender to gain favor with the mods. I guess the poster feels it's a safe bet that people will rally behind him/her.

Thread hasn't received much activity...

I just looked at that thread. It is kind of interesting that someone who is apparently a brand new member of VB would not only know about Indian Summer, but also be upset enough to start a thread of that kind.
That place is just plain getting wierd now.

They've got all of these shills now who do nothing but talk the board up from their very first post like they've been lifelong members, even though they all have the same join date. They've even got them talking to each other now and patting each other on the back. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny. I knew they'd have to resort to this kind of thing to try and repair the trainwreck. I just didn't expect it to be so transparent.... and dumb-sounding.
That place is just plain getting wierd now.

They've got all of these shills now who do nothing but talk the board up from their very first post like they've been lifelong members, even though they all have the same join date. They've even got them talking to each other now and patting each other on the back. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny. I knew they'd have to resort to this kind of thing to try and repair the trainwreck. I just didn't expect it to be so transparent.... and dumb-sounding.

Weird is the right word, it should officially be renamed The Stepford Board.

What is that guy on about? As if he's important enough for people on here to give him nicknames :p
That place is just plain getting wierd now.

They've got all of these shills now who do nothing but talk the board up from their very first post like they've been lifelong members, even though they all have the same join date. They've even got them talking to each other now and patting each other on the back. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny. I knew they'd have to resort to this kind of thing to try and repair the trainwreck. I just didn't expect it to be so transparent.... and dumb-sounding.

O.K. - that was actually pretty priceless. I guess the rule against one person having more than one account is no longer being enforced. Or maybe a bunch of them had the same writing teacher. :D
That's just...strange. I wasn't aware of that guy's existance until now. But hey, whatever it takes to make yourself feel important, I guess.

It just seems like one big circle-jerk over there, now. Sad. :(
Weird is the right word, it should officially be renamed The Stepford Board.

What is that guy on about? As if he's important enough for people on here to give him nicknames :p

I've read back a couple/few pages, and I think they are referring to some other board. erm. I don't want to post the link here, but it's on that thread.
Ahh that makes more sense, I was scratching my head thinking where anybody referenced that guy here :D

Yes. People from said forum were joining VeeBee and vice versa, because of the whole anti-vegan thing or something. I don't think it's cool to do that, but whatever.
I am allergic to drama, I wish not to get sucked into it! :hide:
(I really wanted a hiding-under-a-rock smiley)