Rise in People Who eat More Vegetarian Meals

During the 2nd World War in the UK it was the same - food was rationed so they had to be less fussy about what they ate, and were more willing to eat unusual parts of an animal.

Aye, my mum and dad were both WWII children and my grandparents lived through both WW's. That's where I learned the two 'grossies' above from.

It's a shame that "every part of an animal is precious" ethos got lost.

If omni's still got what was probably close to 50% extra meat out of every animal slaughtered that would mean close to 50% fewer animals queuing up at the killing gates.
Just to add to the 'grossies' ..

Braun: You stick a dead head in a pot and boil it untill everything that isn't solid bone has come out/off. Strain it. Add the bits to aspic jelly. Let it set solid.

Pre 'enlightenment' days I would eat pig and lambs heart a lot. Trick was to cut into the ventricle, remove the grisley artery and vein remnants, stuff the cavity and sew it back up before cooking.

Minor bonus being that I wouldn't be totaly stumped over performing emergency open heart surgery so long as I had access to a ball of string, a sail makers needle and a 'Kitchen Devil' brand knife.

Funnily enough I've just been reading about brawn in the Guardian - apparently it's widely known as 'head cheese'.

I've just googled it and the photos.....I feel nauseated just looking at them :yuck: