Should I do blood work on my cat?

Still waiting on the results for one test, but I got the results (over the phone) of everything else. No diabetes (yay), and everything else looked fine, except the wbc was slightly elevated, but that could be due to the stress he was under when they were trying to get the blood. They did two thyroid tests and she said the general one came back fine, but still waiting on the more specific test.

She recommended a two week antibiotic shot just in case the wbc was due to an infection somewhere. Since he's not showing any signs of an infection and it was only slightly elevated I'm going to wait on that, I don't want to give him unnecessary antibiotics.

She also suggested an ultrasound to check for tumors or to have her do a house call so she could feel around for any. I think I'm going to pass on the ultrasound. :rolleyes:
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I'm glad the tests came back negative. If he really isn't symptomatic, other than the drinking and peeing, it's probably fine to wait it out. Although I would probably opt for the antibiotic shot. My anxiety gets the best of me, sometimes and if the vet feels like it couldn't hurt, I'd go ahead with it. But you can always call her to come back if he starts to act sick. I do agree it doesn't sound like an ultrasound is warranted at this point. I hope he continues to do ok.
I agree with you about the unnecessary antibiotics, @Calliegirl. Sometimes I think the doctors have to offer an option to owners (because, somewhere out there, there is an owner at the other end of the spectrum who will be like, "why didn't that doctor recommend antibiotics for my cat?? They must be a crummy doctor!") Glad most of the blood work came back okay!!
He goes back to see the vet tomorrow.

He's had these two small hard lumps, one on each side of his head (lymph node or salivary gland?), in the same spot for years and they never bothered him, so I figured it must be okay.
But one side is a little larger than the other one now, not sure if it's the actual lump, or just the area is slightly swollen. The weird thing is, whenever I touch his head anywhere on that side, his head starts to shake or twitch in a way similar to Parkinson's tremors. He doesn't seem to be in pain from it or try to move away if I touch him, it's just odd.
He's eating, drinking and using the litterbox normally and even playing sometimes. I don't even know if those lumps have anything to do with it to begin with.

I also noticed a couple of really, really tiny hard things right under his skin on that side too.
Good luck at the vet tomorrow. I hope it isn't anything serious.
He has an ear and gum/tooth infection and some of his back teeth are in terrible condition. I have two types of antibiotics for him and ear cleaner. The vet said it isn't always safe to do surgery on a cat this old (which I agree with) and is hoping the antibiotics will help with his gums.

I feel so bad for him, those teeth look really painful. We didn't really get to discuss the weird shaking, but hopefully it's related to the infections and will go away once they clear up.
Poor kitty...I hope the meds do the trick.
He's having a reaction to one of the antibiotics or the ear wash, so the vet said to stop them for a day and see if he gets better. :(

On the bright side, he's gained about 1 1/2 pounds from the last time he went to the vet a few years ago. He's at 11.6 pounds which is good. He's a large breed cat.
Sorry about the reaction but I'm glad he managed to gain some weight.
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He has an ear and gum/tooth infection and some of his back teeth are in terrible condition. I have two types of antibiotics for him and ear cleaner. The vet said it isn't always safe to do surgery on a cat this old (which I agree with) and is hoping the antibiotics will help with his gums.

I feel so bad for him, those teeth look really painful. We didn't really get to discuss the weird shaking, but hopefully it's related to the infections and will go away once they clear up.

It sounds like you have a very conservative veterinarian, which is awesome. Do you give him the antibiotics on a full stomach? You probably do, but just in case, that can make them sick sometimes, just like in people. What is he on? Clindimycin? or Clavamox? I hope he's feeling better!!
He's taking Clindamycin, Derma-Vet ointment (Nystatin-Neomycin Sulfate-Thiostrepton-Triamcinolone Acetonide), and using EpiKlean ear cleanser. I don't know how full his stomach was when taking it, he nibbles throughout the day. He doesn't really eat a lot at one time.

The reaction he's having is with his ears. Originally they were just barely pink and slightly warm. After using the medication they are bright pink and really, really hot. And he was scratching his neck and upper chest like crazy too and big clumps of hair were coming out. :(
Oh my gosh, that poor kitty...and you for having to see him go through that.
Going to call the vet again later, he's a little bit worse (also has diarrhea now). In the past he had a really bad reaction to an injected antibiotic and I just looked up what it was. That injection had an ingredient that's also in the ear antibiotic, so I'm pretty sure that's the problem.

How long does it take for the antibiotic to clear their system normally?
Was the injected one Convenia? There's a lot of controversy with that because if there is a bad reaction it takes a long time for it to leave their system. Sadly, some cats have died. My Cybil had it s few times and luckily, she did well on it.

If the one for his ear has the same ingredient you are probably right that it is the problem. I hope this gets sorted out soon.
No, it was Vetalog. I looked it up and I guess it's actually a steroid, not an antibiotic. Thanks for the warning about Convenia though, I'll be sure to stay away from that. A previous vet mentioned wanting to give him an injection that lasted a week, I bet that's the one she was talking about.

I've been reading antibiotic horror stories all morning, it's scary how many have a bad reaction and never recover. I'm glad Cybil was one of the lucky ones that it worked well for.

For now the doctor said to stop everything until he's back to normal, then we'll try again next week with just the wash and possibly the Clindamycin. The ear ointment is definitely out.
I'm giving him just the oral antibiotics for right now. This morning he actually swallowed more than he wore. :P The vet wants to see him next week for follow-up, but I'm nervous about bringing him in again.
We went for the follow-up visit and the antibiotics didn't seem to help much. The only option now is dental surgery, but she isn't sure that will solve the problems he's having. It'll just help with any pain he might be having due to his teeth being bad, and his front canine being loose.

Now I have to decide if I want to chance having the surgery at his age. She said he would be under for at least an hour. I'm thinking I should probably do it if he's in pain, but I'm really scared he won't survive it. For now, she gave me some painkillers for him for a couple of days.