Well, you see, I have, at various times in my life, been told to my face that I either needed to wear makeup (in my non-makeup fazes), or that I really shouldn't be wearing makeup (in my heavy makeup fazes), or that I should be wearing it differently.
I've been next to people bad mouthing others over their makeup.
My cousin has been verbally abused because he sometimes wears lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow, or eyeliner. He's been threatened with physical violence because of it, though when he tries to take them up on it they usually back off. The last thing those bullies want is to get their *** kicked by a queer dude in makeup.
People do try to make others feel bad over their makeup choices.
I'm totally cool with someone who says they don't care to wear makeup. But when they start projecting it on to others and complaining that it's unnecessary and *no one* should ever wear it (as has been done in this thread), that's makeup shaming. It's ********.