Shame and heterosexual assumption are particular pet hatreds of mine, so those tend to be what gets me to speak up in a non-safe space such as this. Though please don't try to tell me that speaking up for those who are oppressed and fighting against those who would continue to oppress them is about me not being able to accept other points of view because that is a gross misrepresentation. When it comes to oppressed factions of society you are not a part of, it is of particular importance that you listen far more than you speak because you simply don't have the frame of reference to understand the minutia of those communities.
There would be some point to this post if anyone had said something along the lines of "Ugh - men wearing makeup - how disgusting." But, unfortunately for your outrage, no one did.
As to "empowerment" through makeup, that's a topic in and of itself - how exactly it's empowering to try to fit into society's norms.