What's wrong with candles when love making? Its romantic feeling
1. When people order drinks/food and then leave without eating or drinking any of it.
2. When people are 'drinking' from obviously empty cups. At least hold it like it's full of liquid instead of gesticulating wildly with it.
3. When characters or important back-story is introduced to serve one episode, and then is forgotten about forever after.
I've done this, though it wasn't a window (or a bat) and it was less 'you wait here' and more 'GO SEE WHAT THAT IS, IT MIGHT MURDER US OR SOMETHING'. At the time I was too confused by the excessive response to realize that I was being sacrificed.
When I was a teenager I was with my boyfriend and we heard a noise downstairs when we were home alone and he refused to go and check because he was scared.
Why do women always assume it should be the guy who puts himself
In harms way?
lots of profanity and sexual themes, I can tolerate a few scenes but all through the movie? Heck no. I am fighting with someone because of one of the movies she seen attacks all walks of life and have so much profanity and all. I am not trying to to judge folks that goes see's these films but these themes throws me off in movies.
Why do women always assume it should be the guy who puts himself
In harms way?
Its the Movie TED about the Teddy Bear family Guy creator guy produced it.
I like films that are entirely sex : ) .
A woman after my own heart.Yep : ). And in my opinion, if profanity is not used throughout, it is not great sex. : ) .
Pushing food around on plates.
When the characters come home from grocery shopping they only have one bag, always a paper bag with some leafy greens and a large loaf of crusty bread sticking out.
Its the Movie TED about the Teddy Bear family Guy creator guy produced it.
Have you ever watched Family Guy or any other of Seth MacFarlene's creations? I would be shocked it there wasn't tons of swearing and sexually related themed plots throughout anything he creates.