Supper/Dinner Time! What's on the menu ?

I had a St. Patrick's Day meal last night of boiled cabbage with vinegar and pepper, plus carrots, potatoes and sliced seitan with spicy mustard. I will have the leftover veggies with a seitan sausage tonight instead.
Had a lot of cooked black beans leftover, so I cooked cubed potatoes carrots, celery and onion in no beef broth and added them. Mighty tasty, and black beans are not my favorite! Probably because they so often have cumin 🙄
.....that was yesterday, I just never hit "post reply"

Tonight I cooked linguini and made a blended cashew creme with lots of garlic, shallots, and Penzeys Justice blend, and nooch. Sauteed mushrooms. Wish I had spinach. I could eat so many serving of this! Oh--topped with FYH parm
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in celebration of St Paddy's Day we had colcannon with an Apple Sage Fieldroast sausage on the side

Emma JC
I love colcannon! The first time I made it was the best though, and I no idea what I did, but I can't seem to recreate it. 🤔
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noodles, boiled then crisped up a bit, tons of sauted veggies (celery, carrot, onion, green onion, mushrooms), Soy Curls soaked in garlic/poultry seasoning/tamari, then crisped up in sweet chili sauce - sa'lotta'food but managed to stuff it all in

Emma JC
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So they were good...a little bland but my salsa and the tofutti sour cream made all the difference. I would buy them again. They were very filling. I had to force myself to finish the second one and wrap up the third for tomorrow.
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