Supper/Dinner Time! What's on the menu ?

last night I made peanut sauce for noodles and had Ikea Plant Balls on the side - the peanut sauce I made with toasted sesame seeds and some toasted peanuts, tamari, rice vinegar, lime juice, peanut butter, sriracha, garlic powder, tahini, water/miso - used spaghetti for the noodles and I put a bit of sweet chili sauce on the Plant Balls

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I didn’t do it. 😳😂
Bummer! I'm having leftovers (sesame ginger tofu with broccoli and carrots over rice). Today was supposed to sort of be a day off, but I ended up taking on some extra work because I hate turning down work, and then I ended up having to do my newsletter early because of the holiday Monday. Normally, I do it on Sunday night. But it's all good. Now I can relax, and I made some extra money.
My Costco had their generic vegan burgers again, so I had two of those today.

I actually prefer them over Beyond Meat, and they have less salt, are cheaper, and slightly smaller so I can eat two and not be too stuffed.

I'll have to look for those. They sound good! I was going to have PC Vegetable Pot Stickers for supper last night but on rereading the ingredients, found out the filling had oysters and oyster sauce in it. Not only yuck but a big YUCK. Something else to hand off to SIL when she comes for a visit. Along with Compliments Potato and Onion Perogies I don't like. Love the Farm Boy Potato and Fried Onion ones though!

When I tried Dr. Praeger's veggie-labeled, I found them to have fish ingredients :eek:
Farm Boy Potato and Fried Onion Pierogies with more fried onions and PC sour cream alternative on top. Later in the evening I made a dip with salsa and the sour cream alternative and dipped some tortilla chip rounds in it.
I often make a dip with vegan Mayo…depending on what I’m eating, I add sriracha and sometimes a little bit of ketchup.
Yep, it makes a great base for a dip. For the dip last night, I used a little vinegar, garlic powder and a dash of tahini, kind of like what I use for buffalo nuggets. The tenders are good and hot, so I didn't need any hot sauce in it.

Tonight, I might have the last of my sesame ginger tofu with the broccoli and carrots over jasmine rice. Or I might make buffalo nuggets. :D It's a football Sunday, so I'm wanting football food. :D

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