I always liked the cardboard pizza. I love instant mashed potatoes too, and prefer them over homemade.I always liked frozen cardboard pizza! My mom used to get so mad because she always made her own bread and pizza dough and I always preferred anything but what she made. Same with the homemade pasta. I always preferred the boxed kind. Drove her insane.
If it turns out passably well, I'd love to see that recipe. I am not familiar with picadillio but now I am intrigued and plan to look it up...I am planning a vegan picadillio. A Cuban dish. I am making mine with tomatoes, red wine, veg chrizo, green olives , peppers, black beans and spices and brown rice. Traditionally, it does not have beans and has raisins and/or capers (and lots of real meat, yuck). It is quite tasty. I might try to write a recipe as I make it today.