Supper/Dinner Time ! What's on the menu?

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I always liked frozen cardboard pizza! My mom used to get so mad because she always made her own bread and pizza dough and I always preferred anything but what she made. Same with the homemade pasta. I always preferred the boxed kind. Drove her insane.
I always liked frozen cardboard pizza! My mom used to get so mad because she always made her own bread and pizza dough and I always preferred anything but what she made. Same with the homemade pasta. I always preferred the boxed kind. Drove her insane.
I always liked the cardboard pizza. I love instant mashed potatoes too, and prefer them over homemade.
I was a fan of cardboard pizza too.:D I also used to like the plastic tasting cheese slices but you can buy a vegan version that tastes almost exactly like them.:dance:

I'm making a chickpea curry with rice tonight.
Grated carrot salad with raisins, evo/lemon and nooch. Boiled potatoes with non dairy butter and Cornish sea salt.

A persimmon fruit for dessert shared with Shyva.
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I am planning a vegan picadillio. A Cuban dish. I am making mine with tomatoes, red wine, veg chrizo, green olives , peppers, black beans and spices and brown rice. Traditionally, it does not have beans and has raisins and/or capers (and lots of real meat, yuck). It is quite tasty. I might try to write a recipe as I make it today.
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I am planning a vegan picadillio. A Cuban dish. I am making mine with tomatoes, red wine, veg chrizo, green olives , peppers, black beans and spices and brown rice. Traditionally, it does not have beans and has raisins and/or capers (and lots of real meat, yuck). It is quite tasty. I might try to write a recipe as I make it today.
If it turns out passably well, I'd love to see that recipe. I am not familiar with picadillio but now I am intrigued and plan to look it up...
My dinner was easy and delicious. Whole wheat angel hair pasta, a couple Gardein crispy chicken tenders cut up, diced tomato, a sprinkle of nutritional yeast, basil, salt and pepper.

Earlier I got bored so I made 3 dozen cookies (I know).
Ginger Molasses Cookies
Cashew Oat Thumbprint Cookies (with pumpkin butter filling)
I am having one of the latter with some apple caramel herbal tea for dessert.
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