Suffed roast red peppers inspired by the following recipe :
I modified the recipe by making a stuffing with soya mince, shallots, garlic, chopped pitted Greek olives, lots of seasoning ; chilli flakes, lemon pepper, California chilli, ginger. I added ground almonds, ground linseed, yeast flakes, evo and soya cream. Topped each pepper with the tomatoes, more ground almonds and a drizzle of evo.
Served at room temperature with a huge drizzle of balsamic vinegar, finely chopped steamed courgettes and a huge dollop of homemade guacamole.
I now have my next 3 meals stored away in the fridge.
I may have some blueberries, raspberries with soya yogurt and stevia later on.
I modified the recipe by making a stuffing with soya mince, shallots, garlic, chopped pitted Greek olives, lots of seasoning ; chilli flakes, lemon pepper, California chilli, ginger. I added ground almonds, ground linseed, yeast flakes, evo and soya cream. Topped each pepper with the tomatoes, more ground almonds and a drizzle of evo.
Served at room temperature with a huge drizzle of balsamic vinegar, finely chopped steamed courgettes and a huge dollop of homemade guacamole.

I now have my next 3 meals stored away in the fridge.
I may have some blueberries, raspberries with soya yogurt and stevia later on.