It's easy for people like her, because nasty people just suck the energy from those who are nice. I've seen some finiest examples of those vampires: if they don't get the energy (if you stay calm, don't get irritated, not yelling at them and not fighting with them),- they immediately begin to suffer from the lack of your "blood" (a.k.a. energy), and they even may get sick, because usually, they don't know how to maintain healthy levels of good positive energy in their bodies, and they constantly need to steel it from the vulnarable people (those who pay attention at their ugly escapades). They subconsciously (or not) find a victim, and then never let it go, until the victim is totally morally exhausted. But if this flow of free energy stops, and if they see your indifferent attitude,- it's a real disaster for them, and they will do anything to make you suffer again, ...but not having got what they wanted, they get stressed and emotionally impacted, and their biofield will be getting distorted badly for a long period of time, causing them moral and physical pain. It took me decades(!) to start ignoring such vampires, or making up a "revenge" for them without emotional involvement (of course, only in those cases when everything is bad, and another outcome is impossible). Some people were getting sick, because their psychological attacks were returning back to them (they were targetting me, but their innuendos and even their deeds didn't seem to bother me, though it wasn't 100% true most of the time). Anyway, i'm determined to stay away from these vampires as long as it's possible, or, like we always say, "pay them with their own coin" ("pay them with the same coin"), IF it doesn't involve their relatives. Screw energy vampires. I'm just tired of getting sick because of them (that's what used to happen, but not happening anymore). Basta così, grazie!