Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Stella and Joon had vet appointments yesterday...still doing curbside and I’m not allowed to go in, which was fine because Joon was a wellness check and Stella needed her glands expressed (apologies if that’s with pets lol) and nails trimmed. There is a restaurant next door and it was disheartening to see several patrons exit the restaurant who were not wearing masks. ☹️
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While masks are required in DeLand, there is no enforcement so there are a lot of people who don't wear them. A customer approached me and another employee the other day asking us why there are people with no masks. We cannot force people to wear them even though we offer them. A man freaked out last Saturday and started screaming "NO NO NO!!" when offered a mask.
While masks are required in DeLand, there is no enforcement so there are a lot of people who don't wear them. A customer approached me and another employee the other day asking us why there are people with no masks. We cannot force people to wear them even though we offer them. A man freaked out last Saturday and started screaming "NO NO NO!!" when offered a mask.
Are individual businesses allowed to enforce masks? Now I'm unsure about whether it's a state, or local, requirement, or whether it's on the businesses? Every where I've gone has the sign of 'no mask no entry'. My son turns away people from the store he works in every day, and police have been called on occasion
It is so confusing! Even with mask mandates, the cities choose to enforce or not! With no enforcement, there is little compliance. I always wear my mask when I go into stores but I see people allowed to shop without them most places. Maybe the little shops downtown are telling people to leave but I don't know. TJ Maxx does what corporate says and that is to not be confrontational and we can't kick people out.
TJ Maxx does what corporate says and that is to not be confrontational and we can't kick people out.

That seems really short-sighted of them. People will sue because the local mask mandates weren’t enforced and they got COVID. It won’t be good for business in the long run.
While masks are required in DeLand, there is no enforcement so there are a lot of people who don't wear them. A customer approached me and another employee the other day asking us why there are people with no masks. We cannot force people to wear them even though we offer them. A man freaked out last Saturday and started screaming "NO NO NO!!" when offered a mask.
Over here we actually have state, city, and county ordinances that Require masks. stores will display signs that state to enter the store you must wear a mask. In the beginning, they had greeters with hand sanitizer who could give you a mask if you didn't have one. And the greeters also had the purpose to make sure that people didn't steal the hand sanitizer. Now, most stores just have the hand sanitizer bolted down. But if you are not wearing a mask you are asked to leave the store ( maybe they will give you one if you don't have one). But in the store, Everyone has a mask on.

A while back there was a bunch of viral videos of people going ballistic when asked to wear a mask. I think one of them was in an LA Trader Joe's. There was another one of a guy that I think was in Florida. If i remember right some internet sleuths figured out who the guy was and his place of employment and he got fired. Give me a few minutes and I will find the relevant stories.

My apartment manager finally posted a sign that explains that in the building's public spaces people are required to wear a mask. it appears to be downloaded from a government website and even references that ordinances are involved.

With all these outbreaks going on I wonder if the ordinances and mask-wearing actually make a difference. I wouldn't mind seeing a study on that. I thought that California was way ahead of other states in terms of prevention. but we are having an outbreak, too.
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It is like that here too with the signs saying you MUST wear a mask but nobody stops people from coming in without one. We also have someone as a "greeter/counter" person who offers masks but we are specifically told by corporate to NOT push the issue. It is so hypocritical and useless to have a mandate and not enforce it! We, the employees, are very frustrated by this! My apartment complex has a sign on the office door that you must wear a mask and all the maintenance guys wear them going around doing their jobs.
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It is like that here too with the signs saying you MUST wear a mask but nobody stops people from coming in without one. We also have someone as a "greeter/counter" person who offers masks but we are specifically told by corporate to NOT push the issue. It is so hypocritical and useless to have a mandate and not enforce it! We, the employees, are very frustrated by this! My apartment complex has a sign on the office door that you must wear a mask and all the maintenance guys wear them going around doing their jobs.
Well.... maybe corporate saw these videos.
Videos like these are so annoying. They are all over FB.
I don't do FB but I know that there are a lot of these.
But it's not, IMHO, the videos that are annoying, but the people being videoed.

I do have mixed feelings about reprisals or whatever against the people who are videoed.

I read that the guy in the red shirt got fired from his job. but I'm assuming that he didn't get fired because he wasn't wearing a mask but that he appears to be mentally unhinged.
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I don't do FB but I know that there are a lot of these.
But it's not, IMHO, the videos that are annoying, but the people being videoed.

I do have mixed feelings about reprisals or whatever against the people who are videoed.

I read that the guy in the red shirt got fired from his job. but I'm assuming that he didn't get fired because he wasn't wearing a mask but that he appears to be mentally unhinged.
Oh yes, I meant the people.
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Vaccination has started in Norway now, but it's a long, long time until I will be offered one. Probably in the summer the earliest. They are finnished with the first round at the nursing homes in my town tomorrow, and then people above 85 years old are the next on the list. But they are talking about pushing the health care workers a bit ahead of the queue now.

The Pfizer vaccines is interesting, and I hope we get a new generation of vaccines. Some more groups that have so far not been able to get vaccines based on viruses are able to get the mRNA vaccines. I do envy people that work with this, it has to be really exciting!
Yeah, those kinds of videos can be misleading because you don’t see the whole context - what happened before the filming started and what, if anything, else led up to it.

However, they are a great weapon against the kinds of actions that we tend to deny the existence of.

Now that I have a better phone, I might even do some filming myself!
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I asked about the vaccine when I was at the dr. office. They said they have no idea when it will be available there. The other near by counties have been giving the vaccination already. Some places have a drive through and the lines have been very long!
“Colorado health officials confirmed the case and notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The infected individual is in isolation in Elbert County, about an hour and a half south of Denver. Officials said the man, who is in his 20s, does not have a travel history.”

“There is a lot we don’t know about this new Covid-19 variant, but scientists in the United Kingdom are warning the world that it is significantly more contagious. The health and safety of Coloradans is our top priority and we will closely monitor this case, as well as all COVID-19 indicators, very closely,” Colorado Governor Jared Polis said Tuesday.

“We are working to prevent spread and contain the virus at all levels,” Polis said, adding that public health officials were working to identify other potential cases through contact tracing interviews.

Preliminary analysis of the mutated strain, first identified in the U.K., suggests it may be the culprit behind Britain’s recent spike in cases. The new strain, referred to as SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01 in the science community, could be as much as 70% more transmissible, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

The CDC said in December that the new strain could already be circulating in the U.S. without notice. The CDC cited ongoing travel between the U.K. and the U.S. as an explanation for the potential arrival of the new variant.”
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Orange county (most of Orlando) has 30,000 appointments for the vaccine and only 16,000 doses available and is waiting for more to be delivered. Appointments are booked already for 2 weeks in advance. Volusia county is starting the vaccinations Monday for 65+ at the Stadium. The lines they are showing on the news are incredible. I guess this is good though that people are getting the vaccine! Any side effects should be popping up soon!