COVID-19 vaccines: How do the Moderna, Pfizer and Oxford coronavirus jab candidates compare?
Three vaccines set for use in the UK have all reported they are around 90% effective in late stage trials.
i hope this ends soon...
Are individual businesses allowed to enforce masks? Now I'm unsure about whether it's a state, or local, requirement, or whether it's on the businesses? Every where I've gone has the sign of 'no mask no entry'. My son turns away people from the store he works in every day, and police have been called on occasionWhile masks are required in DeLand, there is no enforcement so there are a lot of people who don't wear them. A customer approached me and another employee the other day asking us why there are people with no masks. We cannot force people to wear them even though we offer them. A man freaked out last Saturday and started screaming "NO NO NO!!" when offered a mask.
TJ Maxx does what corporate says and that is to not be confrontational and we can't kick people out.
Over here we actually have state, city, and county ordinances that Require masks. stores will display signs that state to enter the store you must wear a mask. In the beginning, they had greeters with hand sanitizer who could give you a mask if you didn't have one. And the greeters also had the purpose to make sure that people didn't steal the hand sanitizer. Now, most stores just have the hand sanitizer bolted down. But if you are not wearing a mask you are asked to leave the store ( maybe they will give you one if you don't have one). But in the store, Everyone has a mask on.While masks are required in DeLand, there is no enforcement so there are a lot of people who don't wear them. A customer approached me and another employee the other day asking us why there are people with no masks. We cannot force people to wear them even though we offer them. A man freaked out last Saturday and started screaming "NO NO NO!!" when offered a mask.
Well.... maybe corporate saw these videos.It is like that here too with the signs saying you MUST wear a mask but nobody stops people from coming in without one. We also have someone as a "greeter/counter" person who offers masks but we are specifically told by corporate to NOT push the issue. It is so hypocritical and useless to have a mandate and not enforce it! We, the employees, are very frustrated by this! My apartment complex has a sign on the office door that you must wear a mask and all the maintenance guys wear them going around doing their jobs.
I don't do FB but I know that there are a lot of these.Videos like these are so annoying. They are all over FB.
Oh yes, I meant the people.I don't do FB but I know that there are a lot of these.
But it's not, IMHO, the videos that are annoying, but the people being videoed.
I do have mixed feelings about reprisals or whatever against the people who are videoed.
I read that the guy in the red shirt got fired from his job. but I'm assuming that he didn't get fired because he wasn't wearing a mask but that he appears to be mentally unhinged.