.They're to young to consent, I don't have a problem with a mature adult deciding to get vaccinated, but no one should get vaccinated without consent.
Some protection.If the first shot has been given (Pfizer), but not the second, does it still give protection in highly crowded areas, such as schools? Educate me please. Even though... I don't know if I really want to know.
.If the first shot has been given (Pfizer), but not yet the second, does it still provide protection in highly crowded areas, such as schools? Educate me please. Even though... I don't know if I really want to know.
The school is about to start and I feel like I'm going to walk the green mile.![]()
If the first shot has been given (Pfizer), but not yet the second, does it still provide protection in highly crowded areas, such as schools? Educate me please. Even though... I don't know if I really want to know.
The school is about to start and I feel like I'm going to walk the green mile.![]()
.Well, damn. Thank you for the information.
The second shot would be 8.9. So more than a month.
Would it be a good idea to go get the shot earlier than what was originally planned?
It has already been 47 days since the first. So I could maybe get the second already if there are any appointments left. I'll just gotta call and ask..
Per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (cdc.gov):
"2-dose series separated by 21 days
A series started with COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer) should be completed with this product"
Link: Administration Overview for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine | CDC.
.I have heard that when the first vaccine has been given, you can get the Corona, but the symptoms won't be that bad. But I don't know if that's true.
I'd rather get the side effects from the vaccine than the symptoms from Covid.
Yeah, agreed. I wouldn't want to do that either..
Vaccine side effects are potentially unpleasant, but it’s better than accidentally spreading actual COVID to another person.
YAY! Communism!This popped up in my newsfeed this morning - how appropriate.
The COVID culture war: At what point should personal freedom yield to the common good?
America's debate over pandemic mask and vaccine mandates hinges on an age-old dilemma: When does personal liberty yield to the public interest?www.usatoday.com
Some of the best lines:
“How much should government constrain citizens’ otherwise rightful activities to lower the risk?” she asked. “We may be entering a period… when countries will need to reassess their willingness to use the law to protect the most vulnerable and to advance the common good.”No matter where one stands, it puts a new spin on the famous line delivered at America's founding by Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death."So, why do so many turn down the shots and shun masks? Is it a social syndrome that puts self-interest above the common good? Is it a stand for principle? Is it something else?“Even as the pandemic highlights our mutual dependence, it is striking how little solidarity and shared sacrifice it has called forth,” he noted. “The pandemic caught us unprepared – logistically and medically, but also morally. … (It) arrived at just the wrong moment – amid toxic politics, incompetent leadership and fraying social bonds.”In the end, however, COVID-19 has no politics or ethical code. The virus, acting on a principle of proliferation, has killed more than 4.2 million people worldwide – especially now those who didn’t get shots.The moral, Tipton suggested: “Being a good citizen is being mutually responsible. If you believe in the gospels, wear your mask.”The question is not whether government should constrain personal liberties in the public interest, she concluded, but when and how.“I think if we want to accept the benefits of living in a society,” Berg added, “we also have to accept there are some constraints on individual liberty.”More than a lack of civility, Hieronymi said, “we’ve lost sight of the common good.
.YAY! Communism!
.YAY! Communism!