Forum Legend
(in a heavy Russian accent). Hello Comrade Citizen. Now you must mask put on.
You think that's communism ?YAY! Communism!
Your ideas of right's don't work for all. Why we have restrictions.
.I called to the corona vaccination line and the person told me that I can't get the second shot yet unless I have a good enough reason for example, travelling abroad. She also said that if the second shot is taken too early, the protection can even be weaker, because the body needs time to adapt. So I just have to wait. One of the reasons might also be that there aren't enough vaccines for everyone and that's why the first shot is priority.
Last night I made an appointment online, but it was for the first shot. Apparently you can't make an appointment for the second one by yourself.
Confusing. I don't understand why going to school isn't good enough reason to get fully vaccinated.
Well, I'm probably going to get the COVID no matter what I do. But that means I'll probably also spread it, and then those who got it from me keep spreading it further and so on and so on. It's crazy.
But I'll keep using the mask, washing hands and avoiding people.
For some stupid reason, no. I asked..
Can't you attend your school classes remotely?
.For some stupid reason, no. I asked.
This was so ahead of its time 2018:
Bubble Boy ('01 movie version) by Jambreaker on DeviantArt
I think it's called vocational school. I'll be trained to become a gardener. I applied because I didn't get a job, but now I wonder if it's really even worth it. I'll just get another certificate and then afterwards I'll be jobless again. If I even survive the goddamn COVID..
Which school do you attend?
.I think it's called vocational school. I'll be trained to become a gardener. I applied because I didn't get a job, but now I wonder if it's really even worth it. I'll just get another certificate and then afterwards I'll be jobless again. If I even survive the goddamn COVID.
Wouldn't be surprised if you were serious..
Hmm, you sound a bit like me when I neglect to take my antidepressant medication during the winter months.
Why Vegans May Be Exempt From Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccinations
Experts say vegans may be exempt from being forced to get COVID-19 vaccinations due to legal rights. Is the vaccine vegan?plantbasednews.org
Vegans will be exempt from COVID-19 vaccinations if their workplaces enforce compulsory policies, according to legal experts.
Moreover, employers may be at risk of legal action if they ‘insist’, reports claim.
This applies to the UK
Oh brother- a sudden increase in vegans.
This may be a problem. Other groups of people (Church of Christ, Scientist) may also claim religious exemption from vaccines. Problem is, even vegans can spread COVID, and COVID can kill.
.This isn't just communism it's state communism! As if the government is fit to decide what's the common good, because the government is totally altruistic and doesn't have any self serving interest, and they only care about the common good.
You've done nothing here but rally about the freedoms YOU think important. You have made it clear in other threads that there are many personal liberties you do not feel as importantThis isn't just communism it's state communism! As if the government is fit to decide what's the common good, because the government is totally altruistic and doesn't have any self serving interest, and they only care about the common good.