Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Nekodaiden, Covid 19 is really a serious disease. If you did that in New Zealand where there is an enforced lockdown, you will get fined because you could spread corona. If everyone did that, thousands of people could die from corona.
Luis, Nekodaiden is a Flat Earther. His thinking on matters of science is so disordered that there's no point in engaging with him.
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The coronavirus fatality numbers you have conjured up are after almost all countries around the world have introduced measures to limit the spread.

From this point forward to 1.25 years, sure, if one assumes that A) The measures are effective, B) the citizens of said countries are abiding by them (obviously not in many cases!) and C) The numbers of supposed covid-19 deaths (being the cause of) are true to begin with. All three are assumptions and I think there is enough evidence to doubt all 3, especially C.

There is no vaccine and no known treatment against it. Tuberculosis on the other hand can be treated and there is also a vaccine against it. About one quarter of the world human population is thought to have tuberculosis, but 95% of deaths occur in developing countries. You are comparing apples and oranges.

People die in developed countries every year from TB. The only supposed effective vaccine (developed in 1921) isn't even recommended for adults because of it's widely varying efficacy.
Luis, Nekidaiden is a Flat Earther. His thinking on matters of science is so disordered that there's no point in engaging with him.
Oh, these Flat Eathers...😁 We have a couple of these over here. The problem is that those 2 are well-know youtubers and raw vegans,- therefore, a lot of young and tender minds get impressed by them and believe all that obscurantism they bring out persistently.
Luis, Nekidaiden is a Flat Earther. His thinking on matters of science is so disordered that there's no point in engaging with him.

If you want to use that as your excuse not to engage, feel free. It seems intellectually lazy to me, but it fits with the general sheep like attitude that takes photos (say, from space) at face value because they are presented from some respected authority. Don't worry, nobody missed the fact that you ran away when I tagged you in beancounter's thread then came back after the challenge was over.
I keep reading that people are saying that they are saving loads of money during the time they are indoors. I think we are managing to spend more than usual!
Out of work = no commute
Less driving = less gas

And what about going to the movies,
a barber or hairdresser or a manicure
buying a drink at a bar,
watching a game at a sports bar
going to a pro sports game
going out to eat at a restaurant
buying tickets to see a concert
or going to a club to see a band
going shopping in a brick and mortar store
having or going to a wedding, an anniversary, a bar mitzvah, or a birthday party
going on a train or bus to visit friends or family
or going skiing or any kind of recreation that costs money.

They closed the campgrounds - you can't even go camping.

Except for food I'm probably saving all kinds of money.

During my darkest days this winter I made a bucket list. That and all the other things I would like to do are on hold.
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From this point forward to 1.25 years, sure, if one assumes that A) The measures are effective, B) the citizens of said countries are abiding by them (obviously not in many cases!) and C) The numbers of supposed covid-19 deaths (being the cause of) are true to begin with. All three are assumptions and I think there is enough evidence to doubt all 3, especially C.
The number of deaths reported are likely to be significantly lower than the real figure because of lack of testing and deliberate under-reporting in countries that are less keen on openness. Obviously, you're free to have as many doubts as you want, but I suspect most other people prefer to trust those with training and experience in the field who are in charge of dealing with this crisis.

The only supposed effective vaccine (developed in 1921) isn't even recommended for adults because of it's widely varying efficacy.
That's why it's given primarily to children.
That's compared to almost 43,000 deaths from coronavirus in less than three months.

Would that be like the story of the little boy I highlighted in a previous post? That kind of death from coronavirus? Or how about from an earlier post where I linked that covid-19 was being attributed on assumptions? Or how about this?

It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

assumptive causes. Now that's real science, jack. You can be on hospice with terminal end stage lung cancer with a few weeks to live...but if it's *assumed* you had coronavirus...viola! Official cause of death!
OK, so there is a conspiracy involving all doctors who are issuing death certificates to over-report on COVID-19 because, well, just because!!!

Nope, but doctors are being fired, or threatened with being fired for speaking to the press. However, some are speaking out anyway. There is a financial motive involved in pressuring doctors though...and when I have time later, I'll highlight it.
Would that be like the story of the little boy I highlighted in a previous post? That kind of death from coronavirus? Or how about from an earlier post where I linked that covid-19 was being attributed on assumptions? Or how about this?

It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

assumptive causes. Now that's real science, jack. You can be on hospice with terminal end stage lung cancer with a few weeks to live...but if it's *assumed* you had coronavirus...viola! Official cause of death!
If you are so enlightened and free from all this nonsense why do spend inordinate amounts of time picking things apart and posting here, where the rest of us come to engage in conversation with a very different sense of reality than the one you live in?
Of all the 'theories' that go against science what have they achieved?
I know no one who is completely trusting of what knowledge our government filters to us, and acts upon. We do piece together, and discern, the research from scientists who concur. We don't go out of our way to find pieces and parts that lead to wackos with ideas.
Honestly, why don't you just say 'cause god' and leave it at that
You say you're not concerned about this, but you sure come across as more concerned than the rest of us. Staying home, keeping hygiene, demanding governments face this and react with proper economic and health measures for a positive and lasting outcome is far less stressful than believing in death rays.
Would that be like the story of the little boy I highlighted in a previous post? That kind of death from coronavirus? Or how about from an earlier post where I linked that covid-19 was being attributed on assumptions? Or how about this?

It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

assumptive causes. Now that's real science, jack. You can be on hospice with terminal end stage lung cancer with a few weeks to live...but if it's *assumed* you had coronavirus...viola! Official cause of death!
For crying out loud. If you want to spread conspiracy theories about the media, at least make the effort to link to the actual news articles, instead of to fake "articles" found on social media and nowhere else. Fact Check: Is the picture of a 13-year-old boy in UK passing away due to COVID-19 real? - Republic World

And stop using your lies about a child's death to try to aggrandize yourself. That's taking your delusions from pathetic to sickening.
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Except for food I'm probably saving all kinds of money.

During my darkest days this winter I made a bucket list. That and all the other things I would like to do are on hold.

Yeah, it's mainly food with me too. It's difficult as we couldn't get regular grocery deliveries and the local shops are often more expensive where I live. I think I am just ordering other stuff because I'm bored.

I have made a list of things to do when this is over. I want to join some meet-up groups. I used to meet up with new people and now I don't at all and being inside so much has made me realise that I miss that! :) I cannot wait for the concerts that were postponed to be on again. I miss seeing live music so much.
For crying out loud. If you want to spread conspiracy theories about the media, at least make the effort to link to the actual news articles, instead of to fake "articles" found on social media and nowhere else. Fact Check: Is the picture of a 13-year-old boy in UK passing away due to COVID-19 real? - Republic World

And stop using your lies about a child's death to try to aggrandize yourself. That's taking your delusions from pathetic to sickening.

I linked 2 such articles from so called "actual news articles" (the likes of which you'd likely believe), see post: Health Issues - US - EU The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Just think Mischief, if I was another poster you knew nothing about...and posted either the msn article or the irish times article with no commentary. It would be yet another reason to solidify the bias you already have.
If you are so enlightened and free from all this nonsense why do spend inordinate amounts of time picking things apart and posting here, where the rest of us come to engage in conversation with a very different sense of reality than the one you live in?

I wasn't under the impression that this thread was for "the rest of us" ie: whatever perceived majority you think dominates here.

You say you're not concerned about this, but you sure come across as more concerned than the rest of us. Staying home, keeping hygiene, demanding governments face this and react with proper economic and health measures for a positive and lasting outcome is far less stressful than believing in death rays.

Oh, I'm concerned, but certainly not over the supposed pandemic. People are being conditioned to give up their freedoms and actively engage in agrophobia - which *may* have been warranted for a few weeks, but now talk is that it will last much longer. Maybe into next year, so I read in my local news today by some "officials". Crash whole economies, put scores of people out of work, lose their businesses, limit their movements, threaten them with fines for just going out/not wearing a mask, limit world trade- it's some enormous pressure to put on whole countries, don't you think?

And for what? To contain a virus, or to condition people to accept new world realities like biometric chips, mandatory vaccines and the surveillance state just so that they can have some sense of "normalcy" again?

This is both a psychological play and a power grab of unheard of proportions. No new virus has ever virtually shut down the civilized world before. No world body (UN/WHO) has ever been calling the shots on something this far reaching as far as I know.
I linked 2 such articles from so called "actual news articles" (the likes of which you'd likely believe), see post: Health Issues - US - EU The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Just think Mischief, if I was another poster you knew nothing about...and posted either the msn article or the irish times article with no commentary. It would be yet another reason to solidify the bias you already have.
Yeah....what Mischief responded to
Funny how these kinds of things happen all time :shrug:, yet get so much attention when it's personal to someones MO.
What if.................
Yeah, it's mainly food with me too. It's difficult as we couldn't get regular grocery deliveries and the local shops are often more expensive where I live. I think I am just ordering other stuff because I'm bored.

I have made a list of things to do when this is over. I want to join some meet-up groups. I used to meet up with new people and now I don't at all and being inside so much has made me realise that I miss that! :) I cannot wait for the concerts that were postponed to be on again. I miss seeing live music so much.

I want to go on a Green Tortoise tour. Maybe the National Parks Loop.
I want to go out to a lake or river with my friends and eat mushrooms.
I want to go see Dead and Friends next time they come to this area.
I want to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and buy a new laundry basket
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I wasn't under the impression that this thread was for "the rest of us" ie: whatever perceived majority you think dominates here.
Just asking. I don't post on religious threads to argue.

Oh, I'm concerned, but certainly not over the supposed pandemic. People are being conditioned to give up their freedoms and actively engage in agrophobia - which *may* have been warranted for a few weeks, but now talk is that it will last much longer. Maybe into next year, so I read in my local news today by some "officials". Crash whole economies, put scores of people out of work, lose their businesses, limit their movements, threaten them with fines for just going out/not wearing a mask, limit world trade- it's some enormous pressure to put on whole countries, don't you think?

And for what? To contain a virus, or to condition people to accept new world realities like biometric chips, mandatory vaccines and the surveillance state just so that they can have some sense of "normalcy" again?

This is both a psychological play and a power grab of unheard of proportions. No new virus has ever virtually shut down the civilized world before. No world body (UN/WHO) has ever been calling the shots on something this far reaching as far as I know.
You certainly have been psychologically affected, as your reality depends on covert, nefarious, ploys to take over the world....yet you offer no solutions?
I'm going to use a phrase I never thought I would, yet, it's just too damn convenient-- you people that pick apart all the fragments as you travel down the rabbit holes you creat in efforts to make everyone else wrong, never end up with anything to offer other than the superiority it allows to feel.
I don't think anyone here who follows the science and suggestions for covid 19 has ever had 100% trust in the people involved, but instead follow the science, put together the links, and make their own judgments without need to be 100%. We have a sense of trust that is pragmatic, not absolute.
You instead that what the authorities offer and tear it down in so many crazy components it allows you to be unconditionally right, because you shred it and can't find anything that makes sense. You find pieces that seem to connect and find ways to connect them to others without any regard to anything true, and more important, anything helpful.
If you want to use that as your excuse not to engage, feel free. It seems intellectually lazy to me, but it fits with the general sheep like attitude that takes photos (say, from space) at face value because they are presented from some respected authority. Don't worry, nobody missed the fact that you ran away when I tagged you in beancounter's thread then came back after the challenge was over.
I didn't add a response in that thread because your question had already been answered, repeatedly. But, since you apparently want to hear it one more time, here it is:

Anyone who has an average functioning brain knows that the images are photo shopped. If basic reasoning fails you, then all you have to do is google "how are deep space images enhanced" and you will find explanations from NASA to Slate.

It's no forking secret, and only a badly disordered mind could manufacture a conspiracy theory out of it.

Just because you're ignorant of an item of information doesn't mean that there's been a conspiracy to keep it from you. It just means that you've chosen to remain ignorant, and then to bolster your extremely fragile ego by manufacturing a conspiracy to excuse your ignorance to yourself.
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I want to go on a Green Tortoise tour. Maybe the National Parks Loop.
I want to go out to a lake or river with my friends and eat mushrooms.
I want to go see Dead and Friends next time they come to this area.
I want to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and buy a new laundry basket
Can you believe that? - I even want to go to work, as i miss my work already. I wonder, what's next? Maybe next week, you'll see me chirping like a monkey, climbing coconut trees and dropping coconuts on pedestrians' heads... (Just kiddin': we don't have coconut trees over here,- oh, well, it has to be a birch then). :lol:
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