Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Is this the future of restauranting?

That is interesting and kind of cool, the little "greenhouses". I don't think it is very practical for most establishments though! I think we may have seen the end of buffets and salad bars since those are impossible to keep sanitary with people breathing on everything.
My little downtown might be running an experiment soon. The plan (and this is just a plan right now) is to close the street to traffic and allow the restaurants to expand their dining rooms into the street where the tables will be physically distant and the wait staff is masked.

Of course this kind of experiment might only work for places like Calfornia.

An NPR talk I heard this morning had some optimistic people on it. One said that maybe the coronavirus is like a forest fire. and after the fire is out there is more room for new things to grow.

Another said that the coronavirus exposed things in this society that are wrong or could be improved. Political systems (mail-in ballots), health care (being tied to employment), and nutrition (tied to schools). Maybe in the world After Corvid-19 (AC) we will have more room to do new things. More telecommuting, telemedicine and distance learning, less air travel, less commuting....

What do you guys think? Some room for optimism??
Downtown DeLand is allowing the restaurants to expand outdoor eating and expanding into empty stores. Quite a few already have some outdoor seating but now permits are being issued to allow the others to do so as well. There is discussion about closing the street but it is a state highway through there so I don't think it is that easy to do.
I am hopeful that there will be lessons learned from this crisis but we shall just have to see. I am cautiously optimistic I guess you could say.
I’m not feeling optimistic right now but it could be because the little gangster and his cohorts woke me up at 1 am and the feeder isn’t scheduled to go off until 2:45. So I had to remove them from the bedroom. I can only imagine the havoc they will wreak out there so not sure it’s going to be worth it. I should just get up and give them food.

I don’t see most people being open to any big change and giving up on conveniences without a fight. The idea that this little virus bug is going to always be out there and for the rest of my life I’m going to be wearing masks when I leave the house and sanitizing everything to death is depressing. I started a new phase of my life on March 23 and so far, other than not going into an office 5 days a week, it’s pretty much sucks. I moved 6 minutes away from my daughter and grandkids and I don’t even get to see them. I am not a happy camper right now.
Shops will reopen as from Monday and some schools will also reopen. However, bars and restaurants will remain closed until June. It is still advised to work from home when possible.

It now remains to be seen how many new cases of covid will spring up after the first month.

The only thing that I miss is seeing friends and family and being able to go to the doctor's.

Last month I was invited to spend a few days with my friend in the Luberon. I also had a dinner invitation from another friend. My pal who lives downstairs has also invited me over when the lockdown eases. So, lots of outings to look forward to. ;)
For so long my drive to and from work was significantly less traffic, you couldn't often tell if fast food places were open due to no lines. For the last week traffic has gotten noticeably higher, and the lines for food places, and store parking lots have majorly increased!
I went out at 9:30 and the line for Dunkin was out to the road--on both sides! 3 cars were in the middle turn lane waiting to make a left!
I had really wanted to make a run into my favorite discount store but they looked packed.
I guess I'll be sticking to Aldi and produce market, as they are the stores I can trust, and don't seem to be as crowded.
I went to Fresh Thyme to get my Beyond sausage and it' funny how different the atmosphere is in there. Other than marking the spaces for checkout there isn't any sense of distancing or added cleaning, of carts, or people with masks
I don't feel there was enough sense of urgency to begin with, with the "opening" of the economy it's just going to go back to how we before, with added inconvenience!
I’m not feeling optimistic right now but it could be because the little gangster and his cohorts woke me up at 1 am and the feeder isn’t scheduled to go off until 2:45. So I had to remove them from the bedroom. I can only imagine the havoc they will wreak out there so not sure it’s going to be worth it. I should just get up and give them food.

I don’t see most people being open to any big change and giving up on conveniences without a fight. The idea that this little virus bug is going to always be out there and for the rest of my life I’m going to be wearing masks when I leave the house and sanitizing everything to death is depressing. I started a new phase of my life on March 23 and so far, other than not going into an office 5 days a week, it’s pretty much sucks. I moved 6 minutes away from my daughter and grandkids and I don’t even get to see them. I am not a happy camper right now.
I'm not optimistic for the short term, as I've pretty much written off 2020, but I'm thinking this can't last forever. If nothing else, this will hopefully get people to wash their hands more often. I've seen so many people who don't wash their hands even after using the bathroom. There was a study (I'll have to find the link) that said millions of lives could be saved from countless viruses by people doing a better job of washing their hands.

I am thinking we might be stuck with this for a year or two. Vaccine research is on overdrive right now, so I'm hoping there is one sooner rather than later. Money, or the lack thereof, has been a big factor in the length of time it takes to develop a vaccine, and that is starting to flow. Also, there are so many people working on it right now, so that gives me a little hope.
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We have to do the home tests tonight and then the courier picks them up tomorrow. The test instructions were quite complicated and there wasn't much feedback from the government. The person my husband spoke to said the systems were playing up all day yesterday. There isn't a reference number so far just a set of bar codes so it all felt a bit haphazard. If the tests are most effective in the first three days of symptoms then it is probably far too late as it has been a week and two days since I started feeling unwell.:unamused:

I think it would be a good idea if more people just stayed working from home after this. It goes to show how useless some jobs are that so many people were working from home or furloughed and nobody missed what they do! :laughing:
I’m not feeling optimistic right now but it could be because the little gangster and his cohorts woke me up at 1 am and the feeder isn’t scheduled to go off until 2:45. So I had to remove them from the bedroom. I can only imagine the havoc they will wreak out there so not sure it’s going to be worth it. I should just get up and give them food.

I don’t see most people being open to any big change and giving up on conveniences without a fight. The idea that this little virus bug is going to always be out there and for the rest of my life I’m going to be wearing masks when I leave the house and sanitizing everything to death is depressing. I started a new phase of my life on March 23 and so far, other than not going into an office 5 days a week, it’s pretty much sucks. I moved 6 minutes away from my daughter and grandkids and I don’t even get to see them. I am not a happy camper right now.

(((((hugs)))))) :hug:
We are waiting to hear about level 2. This will mean shops opening, restaurants and bars, but only a few people allowed in a smaller shop, with queue to get in any establishment. also if going into a restaurant or bar, tables metres apart and you are not allowed to stand up, must be at a table and not gather at a bar or counter... wait staff serve people at tables. they take names addresses and phone number of people in some places.

Im welcoming it because it means less people going past the house, i am hopeful that i might be able to use the garden again under level 2 as the stream of walkers past the fence should hopefully reduce a lot.

Also hopefully less people at the supermarket as there will be other things open, less people crampled into limited spaces when things open up... more space to use.
Elijah told me a scarytale today.
He said: "Do you know Pleshak Jr.? (A composer?)"
I said: "Yeah, of course i know him,- met him a couple times at Composers' Union and at Tzar's Capella concert hall. We even chatted a little."
Elijah says: "Pleshak has covid now".
Me: "Where did he get it?"
Elijah: "He said that he hadn't been anywhere except a grocery store".
Me: "Where does he live?"
Elijah: "In Central district".
Me: "Well, Central district has always been a big garbage".
Elijah: "Why that?"
Me: "Because of the overpopulation, crowds of migrants and insanitary conditions. And yes, going to grocery stores is a "Russian roulette"".
...Now Elijah is afraid of everything... like he didn't know before, that there is not a single object left that could be considered "safe". And i thought: how good is that we live in Kolpino. Poor SPb citizens..., especially those who live in Central district: they have nowhere to go, there are no open spaces around,- only "stone jungle", which consists of old houses, built in 1800s. Their only destination is a nearest grocer, which can turn out to be a deadly hazard.
There has been released an order, that from May 12th, Petersburgians are obligated to wear masks at any place, +gloves, if they are at a grocery store and other public places. I don't know about my hometown, but i guess, i'll have to partly wear a mask during my walks (at those places where the police can be).
surprised I didn’t get it back when I got lost in the ohare airport in february
I got lost so bad I ended up in the international section, missed my flight and had to try again the next day. They left early when I missed, left late when I showed early. Feels bad because I was originally going in the right direction, but turned around and that’s when I got lost
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awaiting the announcement at 4pm about possible Level 2. standing in the end of the house where i can see the harbour/estuary, tide is right in.. for some reason today there arent as many walkers. Saw a kayaker in there earlier... reminded me of the second day of Level 4 lockdown when there was a man defiantly speeding around in his speedboat, even though it was supposed to be banned for Level 4..
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So... have heard that Level 2 will begin on Thursday...
Good luck! I hope it goes well.
I don’t know where we are at with it all. I keep hearing talk about opening up a bit but nothing definitive. Mostly I’m hearing people say it’s a bad idea and things should stay as is for awhile longer. But it’s just Facebook stuff. I haven’t really sat down to listen to the news as I’ve been distracted with house stuff. I don’t see myself doing anything different other than venturing into a grocery store once a week. It’s been a good six weeks since I did that. I was doing delivery and curbside. But Saturday I went into stop n shop and it felt so good lol. I think I will allow myself that going forward. And an occasional stop at the hardware store if it’s something I can’t get with curbside like paint or extra keys for the new entryway lock.

Should restaurants open I will not be partaking in that at all for awhile. I think that is a bad idea even if set up with social distancing. I’m not ready for that. I would like to see more stores open with safety protocols in place.
Good luck! I hope it goes well.
I don’t know where we are at with it all. I keep hearing talk about opening up a bit but nothing definitive. Mostly I’m hearing people say it’s a bad idea and things should stay as is for awhile longer. But it’s just Facebook stuff. I haven’t really sat down to listen to the news as I’ve been distracted with house stuff. I don’t see myself doing anything different other than venturing into a grocery store once a week. It’s been a good six weeks since I did that. I was doing delivery and curbside. But Saturday I went into stop n shop and it felt so good lol. I think I will allow myself that going forward. And an occasional stop at the hardware store if it’s something I can’t get with curbside like paint or extra keys for the new entryway lock.

Should restaurants open I will not be partaking in that at all for awhile. I think that is a bad idea even if set up with social distancing. I’m not ready for that. I would like to see more stores open with safety protocols in place.
Do you have an online neighborhood site like They're so helpful for knowing what's going on!
Do you have an online neighborhood site like They're so helpful for knowing what's going on!
Yeah, my daughter. 😃 I text her every hour with a new question about the town lol.
But all kidding aside, I will find out if there is something like that. I’ve been getting the free town newspaper, Harbor News, and while I’ve never been one to sit down and read a newspaper, it was fun yesterday, sitting at the temporary set up in the dining room sipping tea and reading about the town goings on.
the town FB page can be helpful too when the members aren’t arguing about whether or not covid19 is a hoax/plandemic or making fun of someone who posted a question that some of them don’t deem worthy to be asked. 🤦‍♀️ I’m making mental notes of the names of bully/jerks in case I ever meet them in real life. I’ll know to keep my distance. 😁
Yeah, my daughter. 😃 I text her every hour with a new question about the town lol.
But all kidding aside, I will find out if there is something like that. I’ve been getting the free town newspaper, Harbor News, and while I’ve never been one to sit down and read a newspaper, it was fun yesterday, sitting at the temporary set up in the dining room sipping tea and reading about the town goings on.
the town FB page can be helpful too when the members aren’t arguing about whether or not covid19 is a hoax/plandemic or making fun of someone who posted a question that some of them don’t deem worthy to be asked. 🤦‍♀️ I’m making mental notes of the names of bully/jerks in case I ever meet them in real life. I’ll know to keep my distance. 😁

I belong to Next door for my area and it is helpful sometimes but I would suggest an official city FB page if they have one. I am on a community page as well and it is pretty good but the official page has way less drama!
I belong to Next door for my area and it is helpful sometimes but I would suggest an official city FB page if they have one. I am on a community page as well and it is pretty good but the official page has way less drama!
I agree. My sometimes turns into political back-and-forth, but occasionally it's helpful. I go to my FB town page as well. Ours has been pretty good.
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