Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Good luck! I hope it goes well.
I don’t know where we are at with it all. I keep hearing talk about opening up a bit but nothing definitive. Mostly I’m hearing people say it’s a bad idea and things should stay as is for awhile longer. But it’s just Facebook stuff. I haven’t really sat down to listen to the news as I’ve been distracted with house stuff. I don’t see myself doing anything different other than venturing into a grocery store once a week. It’s been a good six weeks since I did that. I was doing delivery and curbside. But Saturday I went into stop n shop and it felt so good lol. I think I will allow myself that going forward. And an occasional stop at the hardware store if it’s something I can’t get with curbside like paint or extra keys for the new entryway lock.

Should restaurants open I will not be partaking in that at all for awhile. I think that is a bad idea even if set up with social distancing. I’m not ready for that. I would like to see more stores open with safety protocols in place.

I wont be doing any restaurants for level 2 either, Level one maybe.

Whati am hoping for (apart from the usage of the garden again) is to be able to buy some winter clothes and other things from shops. want to go to a bookstore too.. if i can..

also there has been a food store i would like to go to but they had this online check in thing and i am hoping they will remove it when it gets to level 2 . weird system like QR code check in, only weirder than that, i dont like tech
My friend who is making masks came by so I could buy one from her and told me that there was a huge line at TJ Maxx today on re-opening day. People are so nuts! I am sure those Rae Dunn nutcases were going insane without their daily TJ Maxx "fix"! :laughing:
My sons store is reopening tomorrow. He's pretty worried about the ones browsing, wanting to test instruments
My Nextdoor is mostly about recommendations, questions about things going on, lost and found animals. We had lots of back and forth about what stores have stocked lately
My friend who is making masks came by so I could buy one from her and told me that there was a huge line at TJ Maxx today on re-opening day. People are so nuts! I am sure those Rae Dunn nutcases were going insane without their daily TJ Maxx "fix"! :laughing:
Huh? What do you mean by saying "fix"?:???: Is it an offer at TJ Maxx?... Or does it mean that they are so used to going there, that they can't live without it, and they rushed to be the first ones who will be let inside?
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Huh? What do you mean by saying "fix"?:???: Is it an offer at TJ Maxx?... Or does it mean that they are so used to going there, that they can't live without it, and they rushed to be the first ones who will be let inside?

Yes, I am using the word "fix" comparing the addiction to Rae Dunn ceramic ware to an addiction to drugs! :D
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Yes, I am using the word "fix" comparing the addiction to Rae Dunn ceramic ware to an addiction to drugs! :D
Aaaa... I remembered! ( when Silva reminded me!) I remember you telling us about this stuff on VV some time ago. These Rae Dunn items are quite ugly "creations" (sorry).😁
Ran across two good articles today. Both are worth reading.

This one is long, detailed, and complex. but if you get bored just skip to the end. The last section is the most important.

This next one is pretty easy to understand. Well worth reading. The only problem is that it is hard to draw conclusions from it. But it is full of facts that I hadn't seen or heard before.

My friend who is making masks came by so I could buy one from her and told me that there was a huge line at TJ Maxx today on re-opening day. People are so nuts! I am sure those Rae Dunn nutcases were going insane without their daily TJ Maxx "fix"! :laughing:
Indeed, I've heard of hobby sewers making masks themselves for their family and friends in the news, a great way to pass time, beats watching TV all day. There's no better time to get into sewing than now. I myself bought a sewing machine off of Amazon before lockdown, spent the past few weeks making and mending stuff, right now it's almost impossible to get one, takes weeks for things to arrive and prices are inflated.
Susie (my friend making masks) is making them from really cute material and even the Florida Universities logos. They are reversible so like getting 2! If I had a sewing machine, I probably would make some too. If we are going to have to wear them for a while, I will probably get a couple more.
I just left my neighborhood for the first time in two months. I took my dog to the vet clinic, which is four miles away. On the way there, I saw two people passed out on the sidewalk (separately). Kind of normal for NYC, and yet, it seemed different. I guess it was the time of day and the fact that they were both wearing nice, clean clothes, looking like people with stable lives - just passed out randomly in the middle of the sidewalk.

One was getting medical care. Two ambulances had arrived.

I called 911 for the other guy. I hope he made it to the hospital. There was a big can of beer next to him. He looked kind of cyanotic and had labored breathing. I honestly wondered if he was alive at first because his face had that oxygen-starved look, but then I saw his belly moving as he breathed. Hopefully, he was just drunk and maybe he'll get some support with whatever led him to wind up there. And yeah, maybe I was a jerk for just dialing 911 instead of trying to rouse him, but I was concerned about the infection risk and all the other unknowns there (big guy, maybe intoxicated).

At the vet clinic, people seemed on edge. I waited outside. The vet came out and took my dog back to the exam room without me. It was weird, and sad. That vet clinic is usually a friendly place. The last time I was there, the tech was making fun of the COVID scare, saying, "It's just the flu." That was in February. And now . . . Actually, he was the only one not wearing a mask, so maybe he still doesn't take it seriously! Ah, people . . .

But animals know. My dog knew we were at his doctor's office to fix his ear ache. He whined at the door and looked at me like, "Ahem, we need to go in there." He seemed concerned about the changes.

I dunno. I think people are getting a bit of a false sense of security right now and things could get worse again. But I hope not. It sure would be nice to get back to normal life again.
I just left my neighborhood for the first time in two months. I took my dog to the vet clinic, which is four miles away. On the way there, I saw two people passed out on the sidewalk (separately). Kind of normal for NYC, and yet, it seemed different. I guess it was the time of day and the fact that they were both wearing nice, clean clothes, looking like people with stable lives - just passed out randomly in the middle of the sidewalk.

One was getting medical care. Two ambulances had arrived.

I called 911 for the other guy. I hope he made it to the hospital. There was a big can of beer next to him. He looked kind of cyanotic and had labored breathing. I honestly wondered if he was alive at first because his face had that oxygen-starved look, but then I saw his belly moving as he breathed. Hopefully, he was just drunk and maybe he'll get some support with whatever led him to wind up there. And yeah, maybe I was a jerk for just dialing 911 instead of trying to rouse him, but I was concerned about the infection risk and all the other unknowns there (big guy, maybe intoxicated).

At the vet clinic, people seemed on edge. I waited outside. The vet came out and took my dog back to the exam room without me. It was weird, and sad. That vet clinic is usually a friendly place. The last time I was there, the tech was making fun of the COVID scare, saying, "It's just the flu." That was in February. And now . . . Actually, he was the only one not wearing a mask, so maybe he still doesn't take it seriously! Ah, people . . .

But animals know. My dog knew we were at his doctor's office to fix his ear ache. He whined at the door and looked at me like, "Ahem, we need to go in there." He seemed concerned about the changes.

I dunno. I think people are getting a bit of a false sense of security right now and things could get worse again. But I hope not. It sure would be nice to get back to normal life again.
Boy I sure agree with all of the last part!
Mimi, my cat that had surgery to remove and ear polyp that caused chronic infections, now has another infection in the same ear! My vet isn't allowing people inside. It's a cat only veterinary. This will be my time there since all this, I'm just glad I know them all!

I think you did the best thing for the passed out guy. I would not risk arousing a stranger on the street myself! Heck, I've been sorry to rouse some friends!
Your vet really should make masks mandatory. Haven't dogs caught the virus? from people ?
Boy I sure agree with all of the last part!
Mimi, my cat that had surgery to remove and ear polyp that caused chronic infections, now has another infection in the same ear! My vet isn't allowing people inside. It's a cat only veterinary. This will be my time there since all this, I'm just glad I know them all!

I think you did the best thing for the passed out guy. I would not risk arousing a stranger on the street myself! Heck, I've been sorry to rouse some friends!
Your vet really should make masks mandatory. Haven't dogs caught the virus? from people ?

I think so! And yes, I agree.
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My neighborhood vet has curbside service. You call to make an appt. You call to let them know when you get to the parking lot. And a tech comes out to your car, wearing a mask, to bring your cat or dog inside. then brings the animal back out to you. Perscriptions come in the mail. cats must be sedated and in a carry-all before they are admitted. Doggie downers are prescribed on a case by case.
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Blin, i feel sorry for Dmitry Peskov, our press secretary for the president. Peskov is also a diplomat, a translator and a Turkologist, and just a very smart and intellegent guy, a true prophy. He has covid now🐲, and he's in hospital.:fsm: His wife is a well-known woman,- a figure skating champion (Tatiana Navka). She assumed that Peskov "brought" covid from work, because she hadn't been anywhere, but Peskov has been working intensively, while a few members of parliament are already contaminated, like minister of culture Olga Lyubimova, minister of Construction industry Vladimir Yakushev and Prime minister Mikhail Mishustin. They have infected him. Peskov assured everybody that the last time he met Putin in person, was more than a month ago. He also infected his wife, Tatiana Navka. She feels much better than he does, though he holds on. I hope he survives and continues working. He's done a lot for the country...:sigh:
Blin, i feel sorry for Dmitry Peskov, our press secretary for the president. Peskov is also a diplomat, a translator and a Turkologist, and just a very smart and intellegent guy, a true prophy. He has covid now🐲, and he's in hospital.:fsm: His wife is a well-known woman,- a figure skating champion (Tatiana Navka). She assumed that Peskov "brought" covid from work, because she hadn't been anywhere, but Peskov has been working intensively, while a few members of parliament are already contaminated, like minister of culture Olga Lyubimova, minister of Construction industry Vladimir Yakushev and Prime minister Mikhail Mishustin. They have infected him. Peskov assured everybody that the last time he met Putin in person, was more than a month ago. He also infected his wife, Tatiana Navka. She feels much better than he does, though he holds on. I hope he survives and continues working. He's done a lot for the country...:sigh:

Many of my neighbors come from your part of the world and speak the languages from that region. Usually, us New Yorkers are out exploring the city and mingling with people from all over the planet. But, for the past two months, I've just been here, where people speak Russian, Ukrainian, etc, the signs are in Cyrillic, and there are a lot of imported goods. I'm really enjoying discovering new foods. And I'm slowly learning more words just from being here.

So I feel a connection to that part of the world and I wish you all well.
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Susie (my friend making masks) is making them from really cute material and even the Florida Universities logos. They are reversible so like getting 2! If I had a sewing machine, I probably would make some too. If we are going to have to wear them for a while, I will probably get a couple more.

Nice to hear that, for sure the benefit of sewing your own stuff is that you can get creative with the fabric instead of being confined to conventions. Considering that this situation isn't gonna end any time soon you might as well look into getting a sewing machine as it'll open up a ton of fun :)
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