Our receptionist had a reaction to the flu shot several years ago so she has been declining the shot. However, last year the state deemed it mandatory the all employees be vaccinated. So last year she wore the mask during flu season. It was quite uncomfortable trying to answer the phone and greet the public all day long.
The interesting thing about it is our nurses refused to vaccinate her and wanted her doctor to administer the vaccine because of her previous reaction to it and the liability factor. That didn't seem fair to me.
This year she did get the flu shot but had a milder reaction to it. Maybe if she continues to get it yearly she will, eventually, not have a problem.
So to continue the saga, I feel like it shouldn't be up to her to have to be vaccinated in this particular instance. If, I, for example, decide I don't want the vaccine, why would it be a receptionist's responsibility to be vaccinated so that she doesn't infect me? I feel like the responsibility should fall on me. Excluding, of course, those who can't get vaccinated because of medical issues. So that pretty much discounts what I just said. Lol. I don't know, I'm totally pro vaccination but I feel bad for people who are forced to get it, I guess.