The Halloween Thread

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pumpkin chips

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OOOH! Must locate these!

My local grocery stores sell the brand, but I haven't seen this specific flavor yet. I've tried some of their other ones like the olive, sweet potato and multi grain ones and they were all delicious. The olive tastes like fritos, but not in a greasy frito way if that makes any sense.

I've seen a lot of pumpkin flavored things, but I think this is the first chip . I shall report back if I find them.
I have no idea what those little guys are but they are adorable. Are they characters from something or just random creatures?
I don't know what they are, either but I love them. I found it on tumblr.
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pumpkin pancakes with Dandies mini marshmallows : large pic
You are evil and I hate you...because the EB and syrup I put on my pancakes isn't bad enough...I need to add Dandies marshmallows!!
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