The Rabbit Thread

They're so cute together! I'm glad it went well :D

Can you link me to that wishlist? I want to help out.
The wish list is here:

A night apart seems to have been good, they were very excited to see each other this morning and have been playing. Now they are cuddled up ready for sleep.


Breakfast together




Harry gets a grooming again

You can see how Jessica TRASHED her half of the hutch last night. She likes to shred, eat and re-arrange paper as it turns out.
I bought a couple of items, but some of the things on there apparently can't be sent to wish list addresses :\ (a few of my first choices were rejected for this reason)

Yeah, I had that problem as well. I think it's because amazon keeps their address private so they won't give it to marketplace people.
I wanted to send the worming stuff but I couldn't :(. Sent rabbit food instead.
I bought some scales and weighed them both today. Jessica came out about 5.1kg (11 lbs) which is not far off for her breed but I think she is a little overweight. I could feel her ribs but I had to press a bit. Harry wouldn't stay still but it seems he is at least 1.8kg now, up from the 1.6 the vet measured last week. I want to weigh him again when he's more still.

I'm so glad Harry and Jessica are doing so well together!! I was nervous for them, but it looks like they were meant to be together!

So was I, especially with him not being fixed. But there's been no humping at all today and they are all loved up :)

I bought a couple of items, but some of the things on there apparently can't be sent to wish list addresses :\ (a few of my first choices were rejected for this reason)

Yeah I found this out last night as well as Annia, so I messaged the owner and told her. Hopefully she will fix it soon :)
Aw what lovely pictures :) I hope things keep going so well, and there's lots of pictures!

I have some from last Christmas (I only see him thrice a year! so you only get old ones):

mushroom1.jpg Eating half a grape
Chilling out in his favourite basket, with a GIANT carrot my dad made from him (he doesn't chew it much but it's still cool!) and his cute christmas-red blanket. He's in his room there :)
Isn't he just? Spoilt rotten :D Aw this thread is giving me bunny cravings... (in a totally vegetarian way!) tee hee.
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Jessica will only drink from the water bottle, I'm guessing she's never had a water bowl before. The sound is driving both of us nuts and she has to do it frequently because she can only get a drop at a time out. Is there any way I can train her to use a water dish? Harry drinks from the dish so she might learn from him, but what can I do to help her along?
I have no idea, our rabbit drinks from a bottle, we tried with a bowl for a little bit but he just kept standing in it. He might be cute, but he's the kind of rabbit you wave a treat at, put it right in front of his nose, and he has NO IDEA where it has gone. :no:

You would think once she gets used to the idea she'd prefer drinking from a bowl, it must be more instinctive for them, and they must be able to drink quicker and easier. Maybe you could try to get her interested in the bowl of water by encouraging her over to it, see if her natural curiosity takes over? But I'm just speculating here really.
I've seen her sniffing at it often, and she definitely knows what it is because she's stepped in it a few times :p

I'm wondering if it isn't big enough for her, she has a much bigger head than Harry and it's a fairly shallow bowl. I might get a dog bowl or something and see how it goes.

Also, Harry is like that. His eyesight is awful, something can be a few inches from his face and he will sniff it out rather than look at it.
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Aw, at least he can smell it. Mushy just sort of... forgets. One minute he's all excited, you put the treat down, he looks puzzled for a bit and just wonders off and leaves it. I think he's a few blades of grass short of a meadow.

Well I hope it works! If you didn't want to buy a dog bowl until you were sure, you could trial a bowl from the kitchen if you had one a good size. Maybe try lots of bowls and see if she takes the hint haha.
Aw, at least he can smell it. Mushy just sort of... forgets. One minute he's all excited, you put the treat down, he looks puzzled for a bit and just wonders off and leaves it. I think he's a few blades of grass short of a meadow.

Well I hope it works! If you didn't want to buy a dog bowl until you were sure, you could trial a bowl from the kitchen if you had one a good size. Maybe try lots of bowls and see if she takes the hint haha.

Our cat Dixie was like that. :D He had some normal cat quirks like he loved going into boxes and bags, but he seemed just a bit... special.

It needs to be a heavy bowl because Jess is so big she could pick up a normal bowl or at least nudge it over with her nose. She manages to throw the litter tray all over the hutch anyway. That's why I thought of one of those heavy ceramic dog bowls.
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From Dr. Dana Krempels at HARE:

...the rabbit visual system is designed--not for foraging and locomotion--but to quickly and effectively detect approaching predators from almost any direction. The eyes are placed high and to the sides of the skull, allowing the rabbit to see nearly 360 degrees, as well as far above her head. Rabbits tend to be farsighted, which explains why they may be frightened by an airplane flying overhead even if their human companion can barely see it. (It could be a hawk! Run!)
The price the bunny pays for this remarkable field of vision is a small blind spot directly in front of his face, but forward-placed nostrils and large, spooning ears compensate for that minor loss of predator-detecting space. For an animal to have binocular vision, the field of view of both eyes must overlap to some degree. The central blind spot in the rabbit's field of view precludes a three-dimensional view of nearby objects. When your bunny cocks her head and seems to be looking at you "sideways," she is actually looking as straight at you as is possible for a bunny. As far as we know, she does not have a primate's level of depth perception at such close range.

It's normal for them to not see something once it's very close up. :)
I would try a larger bowl, and if you can maybe place it underneath the water bottle. After a few days, Jessica should get used to the bowl being in the same spot she's used to getting water. Then if there's a day you will be home and able to observe her, take the bottle away, and hopefully she will go to the water place, and drink from the bowl. If she's sniffed it, she knows what it is, she's just used to drinking from the bottle.

Heavy ceramic is good, and if you can, avoid bowls with a lip around the top. If you have a lighter bowl in the kitchen that doesn't have a lip, you can try it before buying a new bowl (straight sides are also best). My Amelia is a heavy drinker, some days she drinks nearly 2 cups/273 mL of water, so her bowl holds about that much; if it were any larger I would be annoyed to clean it. :p
This is Tobi:




Tobi was a fair prize. The people who "won" her dumped her at a shelter after having her just a couple weeks. (The same shelter Benjamin came through, a few years later.) She ended up at the rescue, who spayed her and then almost immediately she was adopted to a woman who wanted to bond Tobi with her bunny. She was returned to the rescue the following month, when the bonding didn't immediately go well.

Her foster spot had already been filled by another bunny, and no one had a free pen, so Husband and I took her. She was very cage-aggressive, and when picked up for any reason, she squirmed, bit, and scratched. (I still have scars on my forearms from one particularly eventful nail trim session.) Husband had fallen in love with her, and between that and her aggression, we decided to just keep her.

She has mellowed out a little in the last two or so years, but is still pretty feisty. We've tried her with two different bunnies, and she didn't like either one. I think she is lonely, though, so we will either try her as a trio with Benjamin and Opal, or pursue finding her a suitable companion as soon as Amelia and Cody are bonded. (I can only deal with one bonding at a time!)

She is still a daddy's girl, and will happily let Husband sit in her pen and pet her forehead, but many days she wants nothing to do with me. I love her, anyway!
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Awww she is so beautiful, I love her colouring! I've noticed many animals of all species have a male/female preference. I wonder if it is to do with socialisation, and whether they were exposed to both in infancy? The period for rabbit socialisation must be very slim.