The Rabbit Thread

Hey guys. As a new to rabbits carer with the above foster bunnies, I have a question.
The boys are the most confidant rabbits I have ever seen. Not scared of humans whatsoever. Very curious in their new home. But occasionally act very 'skitish' (that's the word I'm going to use). One at a time they will go from sitting completely still to sprinting, leaping in the air and kicking their legs out. Then grind to a halt and act like nothing occurred.
Sorry if I haven't described this very well but I'm hoping/guessing u guys know what I mean.
Is this just them being excited and playing? Or are they nervous? I had thought if it were nerves they would somehow 'warn' each other or they would both be spooked at the same time but it's almost always one at a time.
I'm also worried about them hurting themselves by running into something/another when they do this? Xxx
I'm no bunny expert, but I've seen experts answer that very question on here before. It means they are happy! It's a crazy kind of energy dance they do. Did you ever read the Velveteen Rabbit? When he becomes real (spoiler lol) he does that kicking leapy thing. Sounds like they are settling right in. :)
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I put rabbit binky into YouTube and came across this video.
A rabbit binkying to her 'favourite music'.
The boys immediately started acting strange (not binkying, but very alert) as soon as they heard this same music.
Any thoughts? Xxx
I put rabbit binky into YouTube and came across this video.
A rabbit binkying to her 'favourite music'.
The boys immediately started acting strange (not binkying, but very alert) as soon as they heard this same music.
Any thoughts? Xxx

Omg, that video <3<3

As to your boys taking notice, maybe it's just something in the beat or tone of that particular music that is very interesting to bunny ears/brains.
Think there is an accordion in the price of music (I'm not too hot on my instrument knowledge tho lol) and it's that they really take note of. Might do an experiment with some more accordion music! Xxx
Any advice on one boy trying to dominate the other :-/
They're brothers, about 9 weeks old, un-neutered xxx

That seems young for them to start getting hormonal. What are they doing? Is there a possibility one will harm the other? Does the organization you're fostering for have plans for neutering them? Are they intended to stay as a pair or be adopted out individually?

If one is being very aggressive, it may be necessary to separate them. I don't know your setup, but if they're meant to stay together as a bonded pair, maybe you could keep them side by side but separated for now, then try putting them together again after they're neutered. If they're meant to be adopted out individually, it may be best to go ahead and separate them. Bunnies that are pair-bonded need to stay together.

Edit: Bonding same-sex pairs is usually more difficult than bonding opposite-sex pairs, but some bunnies do just prefer to be with their own sex. Bonding two males is easier than bonding two females.
I've sent a message to the shelter to let them know what they're up to.
They are only with me until they are old enough to be neutered. I'm not sure if they are going to be kept together after that or paired with a female each.
I've only had them since thurs and this is the first I've seen of this. For about 10-15 mins one seemed obsessed with 'humping' the other. Sometimes not even the right way round...he was humping his face!
The one being humped mostly just hopped away but he wasn't making much effort to get away before, during or after.
I wondered if he was getting jealous but we were fussing them both equally.
Maybe it was just a way of getting out a load of energy :-s xxx
Ahh I see. Humping is a way of establishing dominance. If the other one isn't too bothered by it, I wouldn't worry much. The trouble starts when two bunnies who both want to be dominant are together, then the one getting humped might start a fight.

The first bunnies I adopted, as an already bonded pair, had dominance competitions the whole time they were together. He would hump her, and she would run away. Then when they went anywhere in the carrier and he was upset, she would hump him. Since they weren't otherwise aggressive, no problems.

Since your two guys are brothers, and young, they're just figuring out their roles.
Hate to crash the rabbit party but does this also apply to kittens, lol? I just caught Bratt humping Joon...I would think they are way too young to be doing such shenanigans! Maybe he's asserting his dominance? They are brother and sister.
Hate to crash the rabbit party but does this also apply to kittens, lol? I just caught Bratt humping Joon...I would think they are way too young to be doing such shenanigans! Maybe he's asserting his dominance? They are brother and sister.

How old are they? It sounds like normal kitten play to me, but you'd have to post pictures so we can get a good look at what they're actually doing. (In the Cat Lovers Thread)
So the boys have been living with me for 5 days now and I made sure my garden was secure to let the have the run of it this evening.
However, need to check a few plant/weeds with u experts!
Bindweed? I've seen conflicting info on the net as to whether it's safe or not.
Wisteria? I have LOADS of it and many leaves are within rabbit reach.
Bluebells. Though they're dead, I've not pulled them up yet and bunnies looked interested.
I also have an apple tree which they love the twigs and leaves from...not too sure about them nibbling the apples themselves tho? Xxx
So the boys have been living with me for 5 days now and I made sure my garden was secure to let the have the run of it this evening.
However, need to check a few plant/weeds with u experts!
Bindweed? I've seen conflicting info on the net as to whether it's safe or not.
Wisteria? I have LOADS of it and many leaves are within rabbit reach.
Bluebells. Though they're dead, I've not pulled them up yet and bunnies looked interested.
I also have an apple tree which they love the twigs and leaves from...not too sure about them nibbling the apples themselves tho? Xxx

The conflicting info on bindweed is probably because several different plants are commonly called "bindweed," so some may be safe while others aren't. The best bet is to get a positive identification on the scientific name (genus and species). Then you'll know for sure.

Wisteria is on the House Rabbit Society's list of poisonous plants.

Bluebells are also poisonous. All plants with bulbs (tulips, daffodils, lilies, etc) are poisonous to rabbits -all parts of the plant.

The apples should be safe in small amounts. You just don't want to let them have more than a few nibbles, as the high sugar content can be a problem. They also shouldn't eat the seeds, due to the cyanide.
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The conflicting info on bindweed is probably because several different plants are commonly called "bindweed," so some may be safe while others aren't. The best bet is to get a positive identification on the scientific name (genus and species). Then you'll know for sure.

Wisteria is on the House Rabbit Society's list of poisonous plants.

Bluebells are also poisonous. All plants with bulbs (tulips, daffodils, lilies, etc) are poisonous to rabbits -all parts of the plant.

The apples should be safe in small amounts. You just don't want to let them have more than a few nibbles, as the high sugar content can be a problem. They also shouldn't eat the seeds, due to the cyanide.
Thank u so much for this info :-) xxx
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Has this been posted yet?

I use to have a rabbit and we did keep him in a hutch but we would take him in the house occasionally. I also had a very long harness I would put on him and let him play in the yard.We didn't have a fence at the time.I agree it's definitely good for them to run like that.:)