Package the tea bags up in tissue paper and ribbon and give as presents...or push on tried two new teas in the past couple of weeks, vanilla chai as well as apple and cinnamon. The chai tea was vile!I don't know what I'm going to do with it. I thought I could use it in the bath as the scent is quite pleasant.
I tried two new teas in the past couple of weeks, vanilla chai as well as apple and cinnamon. The chai tea was vile!I don't know what I'm going to do with it. I thought I could use it in the bath as the scent is quite pleasant.
Oh, and another use for tea bags is to stop bleeding, especially in the mouth. bags to stop bleeding&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&client=firefox-a
After I had dental implant surgery, I had some bleeding that wouldn't stop. The oral surgeon recommended keeping a tea bag at the site and holding it until the bleeding stopped. I started out with a cinnamon tea bag but it burned too much, so I switched to mint tea bags because they were cooler. I went through several of them but finally got the bleeding stopped.
I have some teapigs greentea and also jasmine pearls, I havent tried them yet though. I also have silvertips (i think its called) and I got some weirder flavours like chocolate and popcorn. Havent tried them yet either.
I had some Vanilla and chamomile tea earlier it was ok. Im not a lover of fruity/herbal teas but I know I should drink them as theyre good for me.
A little whisky applied topically isn't bad, either.It's black tea they recommend I think.
BTW, cloves are supposed to relieve tooth pain. Not that I thought of that when I had it, so I can't say.
Package the tea bags up in tissue paper and ribbon and give as presents...or push on
I just had a pot of looseleaf Earl Grey. Yummers.