NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that congressional Republicans will aim next year to reduce spending on both federal health care and anti-poverty programs, citing the need to reduce America's deficit.

“We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said during an appearance on Ross Kaminsky's talk radio show. "... Frankly, it's the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements — because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking.”

Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid spending in 2018

Well, we all knew that was coming. The tax cuts for the rich have to be paid for somehow.
Mind-boggling :mad:

This is the real reason Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel

Kim Sengupta said:
There are no fewer than 50 million evangelicals in America who, according to research, are convinced of the literal truth of Biblical prophecy.

A recent survey found that 82 per cent of white evangelicals believe that God gave Israel to the Jewish people; a conviction shared by just 40 per cent of American Jews.

Polls have also repeatedly found that a large majority of American Jews, who tend on average to have a better standard of education than the rest of US population, and are liberal by tradition, oppose the move.
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I give him that, the idea that “the end is now nearer” since the inauguration of Dump is one of the few claims that I am afraid might not be entirely wrong :mad:
Anyone who thinks the Israel-Palestine crisis is about land and tries to imply is not about religion is kidding themselves. You only have to look at a map of Israel and the West Bank and see that nice smooth "border" (not sure if that's the right word, perhaps demarcation line?) between Israel and the West Bank. It is a pretty smooth line apart from one area where the Israelis made a determined effort to surge inwards with a much more aggressive military push in one particular area. Remove religion (including all the Jerusalem holy sites) from the Israel/Palestine equation and this would never have happened. Jerusalem would be well within the West Bank.

In fact, I read that in the zionist conferences around the turn of the century (around 1900 very roughly) where they considered alternative homes for the future state of Israel others favoured a location within Uganda and, were it not for the religious connection to Palestine Uganda might have prevailed (this is debatable and somewhat speculative) and what is today Israel would simply be the peaceful state of Palestine. It was the religious Israelis that really fought for the establishment of a state in that area, according to at least one book I read a couple of years ago.

Israel/Palestine ought to be taught to school children in schools in the future as a case study in why religion sucks.

Netanyahu today said that Jerusalem has been the "capital of Israel for 3,000 years". How long was is though that Israelis/Jews had basically no or negligible connection to the region and their people in the region were a tiny minority? Was it 1000 years or 2000? I can't remember right now. But the Israelis war to reclaim Jerusalem in I think the 1940s and/or the 1960s maybe (I forget the exact details) makes no more sense (less, in fact) than if a band of well-funded red Indians decided to take over the US on the grounds that their ancestors used to own the land and worship the sun god or whatever was their religion. Netanyahu's comment is blatantly unfair. I can't believe he is a complete moron, so I think he is deliberately manipulating the truth.

I've hated Netanyahu ever since he proposed that Elor Azaria be pardoned (i.e. given no punishment at all). He was the Israeli soldier who was caught on video shooting and murdering a wounded Palestinian who was lying on the ground not moving. Netanyahu is not committed to the peace process, and has openly acknowledged that there will be no two state agreement on this watch, while continuing to build settlements where there is not justification.

Israel has had the same policy for decades. It steals as much land as it can get away with, shrugs off the international condemnation, and it knows that once a generation or two has passed and Israelis have been born on the stolen land, and the dispossed have died or gone away or been forgotten, there is no case to give it back. Then it steals more which is what it is basically doing now again by trying to take the whole of Jerusalem and surrounding areas by building settlements, a position that would have been totally unacceptable to everyone some years ago.

At the moment, it's hard to be pro-Israel and it's tempting to be pro-Palestine.

The Palestinians didn't help their cause over the years by carrying out attacks on civilians, by the great support their community has given to suicide bombers that attacks random civilians, by the airplane hijacks of decades ago, and other things. But if our country, if your country had been occupied by another power, had suffered the same atrocities and humiliations and wars, all while living in poverty and having much less opportunity to educate ourselves about the world, can you honestly say that some citizens of your country might not have done similar crazy things? The US nuked the Japanese even though the Japs had no chance of invading the homeland, and the Brits in WW2 constantly bombed civilians even while there was not a single German soldier in the UK.

The other thing that pisses me off is the Israeli argument that there was no nation state there before they came. As it that makes it OK to steal someone's land and then burn down their villages just because they haven't organized themselves into a nation state. When you hear that utterly rubbish argument being wheeled out time and again, you know they have a weak argument.

Sorry about that, but when I click on the news and hear the name "Netanyahu" and remind myself of his sorry existence it's either rant on veggie views or bang my head against a wall....
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...The other thing that pisses me off is the Israeli argument that there was no nation state there before they came. As it that makes it OK to steal someone's land and then burn down their villages just because they haven't organized themselves into a nation state. When you hear that utterly rubbish argument being wheeled out time and again, you know they have a weak argument.

Sorry about that, but when I click on the news and hear the name "Netanyahu" and remind myself of his sorry existence it's either rant on veggie views or bang my head against a wall....

Are you familiar with US History? This is exactly what was done to the Native Americans, and how the United States came to be. I don't know why anyone would be surprised that so many support trump in a country founded on genocide, rape, murder, abuse, and theft.

I agree that this was a move to appease the religious right (his main supporters), and further their delusions of biblical prophecies coming true.
The US nuked the Japanese even though the Japs had no chance of invading the homeland, and the Brits in WW2 constantly bombed civilians even while there was not a single German soldier in the UK.
The Americans and the British were dragged into WW2 with the greatest reluctance. The UK was certainly not prepared for war and the British prime minister did all he could to appease Hitler. Hitler and the Germans wanted war and invaded Poland knowing that the UK would have to respond. The USA joined the war in response to Japanese aggression. What would you expect the Allies to do? Sit there and take all the German bombs on London and other British cities and do nothing? There was not a single British soldier in Germany when the Germans bombed London.
Sometimes it really is a question of kill or be killed. And millions of Brits and Americans (not to mention many other nationalities) were killed before the A bomb was used.
I would have more sympathy with your views about Israel if you bothered to get your historical facts right. Because the facts are important.
Hitler and the Germans wanted war and invaded Poland knowing that the UK would have to respond.
Agreed on everything else you said except the part quoted above, which I think is a bit too strong, if you mean they wanted war with the UK and the US. The western powers had done nothing (except preventing volunteers to aid the Spanish republic) while the Axis had supported the fascist Franco in the civil war. The western powers continued to do nothing while the Axis powers took over country by country in Europe: Albania, Austria and Czechoslovakia. The Axis gambled that the western powers would continue to appease them, but in the end it was too much. So it wasn't that they exactly wanted war with the western powers, but they thought they could get away with land-grab after land-grab, and the Nazis considered the British to be fellow Aryans, so therefore not someone with whom they necessarily want to go to war against.
Agreed on everything else you said except the part quoted above, which I think is a bit too strong, if you mean they wanted war with the UK and the US. The western powers had done nothing (except preventing volunteers to aid the Spanish republic) while the Axis had supported the fascist Franco in the civil war. The western powers continued to do nothing while the Axis powers took over country by country in Europe: Albania, Austria and Czechoslovakia. The Axis gambled that the western powers would continue to appease them, but in the end it was too much. So it wasn't that they exactly wanted war with the western powers, but they thought they could get away with land-grab after land-grab, and the Nazis considered the British to be fellow Aryans, so therefore not someone with whom they necessarily want to go to war against.
I agree with what you say. At that point the Germans probably did not want war with the UK. But they miscalculated, they had gone one step too far in invading Poland. But they certainly were very keen to declare war on any state which was too weak to resist effectively. Aryans, however are a bit like fairies at the bottom of the garden. They don't exist, so I can't see the point in speculating whether the Nazis considered us Brits to be Aryans or Fairy Anns.
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