NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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ABC News is now reporting that Flynn will be testifying against dt, dt family members, and high ranking WH officials. I don't know what the sources are or these reports.
The tax bill that the Senate is passing contains a provision that repeals the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act. That will result in an additional 13 million people being uninsured.
Walmart Removed an 'Inflammatory' T-Shirt From Its Online Shop

JFC. Journalists used to be a highly respected group in America. Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite are considered icons of the profession. People used to love watching 60 Minutes so they could see Mike Wallace go after the creeps he interviewed. Those are just a few examples. What the hell happened? Trump the fascist happened. He turned his fans against the Fourth Estate because he hates anyone who tells the truth about him.
Trying to learn about this tax legislation. As a foreginer with no vested interest in the US, there's lots I don't understand. For a supposed attempt to simplify (something I might support) the bill itself seems quite complex. Democrats were complaining that they were being asked to vote on something so long, that they don't have time to read it before voting.No wonder they all voted against it.

"The baby boom is being evicted from the penthouse of American politics. And on the way out, it has decided to trash the place.

That’s probably the best way to understand the generational implications of the tax legislation Republicans are driving through Congress."

An 11th-Hour Raid by the Wealthiest Baby Boomers

Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, posted a list of amendments to the bill on her Twitter account and cried foul over the fact that she got it from a lobbyist, not from her colleagues across the aisle.
“None of us have seen this list, but lobbyists have it,” Ms. McCaskill wrote. “Need I say more?”

Republicans Pass Sweeping Tax Rewrite 51-49

"Businesses would receive $1.1 trillion in net tax benefits and individuals would receive $200 billion in net tax benefits over a decade."
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

The tax break on overseas profits possibly makes sense, but I think I am about 95% unhappy with this bill (or would be if I was from the US). I don't like the idea of countries getting into debt and yet more tax cuts for the rich.

Interestingly some of the technology companies in very un-Republican californian cities like Apple, Google and Facebook will likely benefit from this plan. I wonder which way their top management votes in elections. Will be interesting to see their share prices when trading opens on Monday.
Stuff you can boycott:


^^^^ We've had that right on the fridge for a more than a couple years....

And don't forget about #grabyourwallet... The up-to-date list of companies that sell Trump brands
Emails Dispute White House Claims That Flynn Acted Independently on Russia
On Dec. 29, a transition adviser to Mr. Trump, K. T. McFarland, wrote in an email to a colleague that sanctions announced hours before by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russian election meddling were aimed at discrediting Mr. Trump’s victory. The sanctions could also make it much harder for Mr. Trump to ease tensions with Russia, “which has just thrown the U.S.A. election to him,” she wrote in the emails obtained by The Times.
This seems informative but I haven’t had a chance to really study it.
Tax reform seems imminent — here's where Trump's tax plan will save and cost you most

I tried to read a little bit about it today, but I was getting confused.:D It seems like most people will get a tax cut at first, but less in future years? It benefits business and the wealthy people most of all? Although a couple of people on a money forum I'm on were saying that they earn over $200k and they think they will be worse off if the tax plan goes through.o_O

The Republican tax bill will exacerbate income inequality in America - Vox
Trump's Tax Plan: How It Affects You. Tax Chart
Simply put, this is what the tax bill is designed to do to anyone who isn’t part of the 1% or a corporate crony:

I tried to read a little bit about it today, but I was getting confused.:D It seems like most people will get a tax cut at first, but less in future years? It benefits business and the wealthy people most of all? Although a couple of people on a money forum I'm on were saying that they earn over $200k and they think they will be worse off if the tax plan goes through.o_O

The Republican tax bill will exacerbate income inequality in America - Vox
Trump's Tax Plan: How It Affects You. Tax Chart

People who earn under $75,000 will be paying more in taxes, some in the next range up will be paying a bit less for some years, but then w
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