NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Why do you think so many Haitians came to the US? They couldn’t have a decent life in Haiti.
If this goes through, I will cancel my cable internet. I'll be damned if some corporate behemoth is going to dictate where I can go on the net or charge me different prices for different services. It's complete BS to charge me twice, once for actual internet and then again for certain content? EFF that.
I got along fine without the internet for the first 30 years of my life, so I think I can manage despite the challenge. This will be such a blow to any small business or anyone who isn't Amazon or Google. I will sadly have to keep my phone, but my activity online will be greatly reduced. I won't be conducting any business on it anymore. I will go back to sending my bills by mail (half of which I already do anyway), and I will cease online shopping. This measure is so unpopular among the masses; it's almost universal. That idiot who runs the FCC is basically giving us all the finger.
Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Why do you think so many Haitians came to the US? They couldn’t have a decent life in Haiti.

Well, that is typically not a good enough reason for people who are against immigration...
If this goes through, I will cancel my cable internet. I'll be damned if some corporate behemoth is going to dictate where I can go on the net or charge me different prices for different services. It's complete BS to charge me twice, once for actual internet and then again for certain content? EFF that.
I got along fine without the internet for the first 30 years of my life, so I think I can manage despite the challenge. This will be such a blow to any small business or anyone who isn't Amazon or Google. I will sadly have to keep my phone, but my activity online will be greatly reduced. I won't be conducting any business on it anymore. I will go back to sending my bills by mail (half of which I already do anyway), and I will cease online shopping. This measure is so unpopular among the masses; it's almost universal. That idiot who runs the FCC is basically giving us all the finger.

We're talking about doing the same thing.

So, much has been said about Trump’s rambling, incoherent Thanksgiving Day speech to the US Coast Guard on Thursday. Some have said he must have learned his word salad from Sarah Palin, the Queen of Word Salad. I’m pretty sure he insisted on winging it on at least half of it, instead of following the entire script written by one of his flunkies. I believe this is how he put his words together:

The reason he's giving doesn't make sense. There has to be something else going on.
The reason he's giving doesn't make sense. There has to be something else going on.

Keith Olbermann Announces Final Episode of GQ Series ‘The Resistance’ (Video)

That’s disappointing, really, because he’s been a reliable voice of the resistance for years, and to suddenly pack it in is bewildering and a bit fishy. I also think he’s extremely premature in assessing Trump’s status as president. The Republican machine will make sure he stays in power as long as possible. With Trump, they have a reliable rubber stamp to push through anything they want in remaking the federal government - and the country - into something that reflects their rightwing ideology.

This Pocahontas thing? It’s stupid and insulting and racist, sure, but the Republicans don’t care. As far as they’re concerned, it’s not an impeachable offense.
He truly is dividing the Republican party- destroying it rather. If the Dems and tradition Reps can't work together to stop this plague soon it's only to grow stronger.
Like "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" is starting to sound like a good idea
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