NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.

A sixth source who was not familiar with the details of the dinner told BuzzFeed News that McMaster had made similarly derogatory comments about Trump’s intelligence to him in private, including that the president lacked the necessary brainpower to understand the matters before the National Security Council.

Sources: McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner
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I read the original thread on FB before the sheriff deleted it. Most people were on her side, and two attorneys said they would represent her for free if she was arrested for it. One lady was whining about how she had to explain to her kids what it meant and she was mad until someone else pointed out they had to explain what 'grab her by the pussy' meant. That shut her up. :D
The Trump administration has given nearly 60,000 Haitians with provisional legal residency in the United States 18 months to leave, announcing Monday that it will not renew the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) that has allowed them to remain in this country for more than seven years.

Interestingly, Florida, which has also seen a huge influx of Puerto Ricans, has more than half of the Haitians at issue. (“[Florida] lawmakers had asked that [the Haitians] be allowed to remain. The lawmakers cited ongoing economic and political difficulties in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, as well as a still-raging cholera epidemic.”) They, too, have reason to be aggrieved by the administration’s cold-hearted actions.

There is no particular need –aside from red meat for the anti-immigrant base — to expel these law-abiding people who have made their home here for as long as seven years. Florida’s unemployment rate of 4.1 percent does not suggest that they have displaced U.S.-born workers. And the notion that these people can return to Haiti to enjoy a decent life is belied by the facts on the ground there. As the Chicago Tribune reports, “While Haiti has made advances spurred by international aid since the quake, it remains one of the poorest nations in the world. More than 2.5 million people, roughly a quarter of the population, live on less than $1.23 a day, which authorities there consider extreme poverty.”

Opinion | Abject cruelty: Deporting 60,000 Haitians

How the hell is a country like Haiti supposed to absorb that many people in such a short time frame? (The 60,000 figure doesn't include the children born here, who are U.S. citizens.)

There is no end to the disgust and contempt I feel for this administration and its supporters.
No surprise - dt has come out in support of Roy Moore.

Sexual predators have to stick together.
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