NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Four people familiar with the investigation said Mueller is looking into whether Flynn discussed in the late December meeting orchestrating the return to Turkey of a chief rival of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who lives in the U.S. Additionally, three people familiar with the probe said investigators are examining whether Flynn and other participants discussed a way to free a Turkish-Iranian gold trader, Reza Zarrab, who is jailed in the U.S. Zarrab is facing federal charges that he helped Iran skirt U.S. sanctions.

Mueller is specifically examining whether the deal, if successful, would have led to millions of dollars in secret payments to Flynn, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.

The meeting allegedly took place at the upscale 21 Club restaurant in New York, just blocks away from Trump Tower, where Flynn was serving on the presidential transition team. Flynn was offered upwards of $15 million, to be paid directly or indirectly, if he could complete the deal, according to two sources familiar with the meeting.

Mueller probing possible deal between Turks, Flynn during presidential transition

The Trumpocalypse thread is one year old today! My goodness, they grow up so fast.... LOL :p

It has felt like one hundred and one.:eek:
In response to what has come out about Roy Moore sexually, the national Republicans are saying "If the allegations are true, he should withdraw", thus doing what they always do - cast doubt on the accusers.

Alabama Republicans are a bit more straightforward:

Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler, who dismissed the allegations by saying that there was also an age gap between the biblical Joseph and Mary. “Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus,” he told The Washington Examiner. “There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.”

Zeigler said the allegations, even if true, are “much ado about nothing.” As part of his defense, he argued that Moore “fell in love with one of the younger women” and noted that the woman he wound up marrying later on is 14 years younger than him. “There is nothing to see here,” Zeigler said, predicting that voters would be angrier at The Washington Post for writing the story than at Moore for his behavior. He made another biblical reference: “Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” he said.

The Republican National Committeeman from Alabama, Paul Reynolds, said that he trusts Vladimir Putin more than Moore’s accusers. “My gosh, it's The Washington Post. If I’ve got a choice of putting my welfare into the hands of Putin or The Washington Post, Putin wins every time,” he told The Hill. “This is going to make Roy Moore supporters step up to the plate and give more, work more and pray more.”
The chairman of the Bibb County Republican Party, Jerry Pow, said that he’d vote for Moore even if it was proved he committed a sex crime against an underage girl. “I would vote for Judge Moore because I wouldn’t want to vote for Doug,” he told the Toronto Star, referring to Democratic candidate Doug Jones. “I’m not saying I support what he did.”

"Yeah!" Covington County GOP Chairman William Blocker tells me he'd consider voting Moore even if hard proof of sexual abuse emerged.

"There is NO option to support to support Doug Jones, the Democratic nominee. When you do that, you are supporting the entire Democrat party."

Analysis | The Daily 202: As Roy Moore declines to step aside, a tale of two Republican parties emerges

I guess all of these people are more than willing to pimp out their 14 year old daughters/granddaughters to Roy Moore.
My favorite comment today, from another site:

"My Christmas creche this year is going to consist of Mary, Joseph, and Roy Moore."
o_O Hmmm.... Academic at heart of Clinton 'dirt' claim vanishes - CNNPolitics
Now, after being identified as a key figure in the US special counsel investigation into Russian influence over the 2016 US presidential election, Mifsud has gone to ground.
Last Thursday he disappeared from the private university in Rome where he teaches. Repeated attempts to reach him since have been unsuccessful, though he appears to have read some messages from CNN.
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A former colleague of GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore said Saturday that it was "common knowledge" that the Alabama Republican dated high school girls when he worked in the Etowah County District Attorney's Office in the 1980s.

In a statement to CNN, Teresa Jones, who served as Deputy District Attorney for Etowah County, Ala., from 1982 until 1985, said that multiple people thought it was unusual that Moore dated high school girls, but that no one ever raised the matter with him.

"It was common knowledge that Roy Moore dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird," Jones told CNN. "We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall ... but you really wouldn't say anything to someone like that."

Former Moore colleague: 'Common knowledge' that he dated high school girls
I'm not following Trumpty Dumpty, but someone I am following retweeted this:

Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!

4:48 PM - 11 Nov 2017 from Vietnam

Just... wow.... :fp:
I'm not following Trumpty Dumpty, but someone I am following retweeted this:

Just... wow.... :fp:

Sounds like a second grader. A not very mature second grader.

P.S. His complete lack of self awareness shows when he calls other people "fat."
Sounds like a second grader. A not very mature second grader.

P.S. His complete lack of self awareness shows when he calls other people "fat."
And the fact that he wants to be BFFs with Kim Jong.... or go the other way & start nuclear war with more playground taunting & name-calling.... "My nukes are better than yours, Shorty McFatfat!"
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