NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I just read that the woman that gave DT the middle finger was fired from her company. Seems very unfair!

ETA - I read that she was escorted out of the building. I've seen quite a few people being asked to leave their job (there was a lot of drama at some of my workplaces!:D) but I haven't ever seen that.
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I just read that the woman that gave DT the middle finger was fired from her company. Seems very unfair!

ETA - I read that she was escorted out of the building. I've seen quite a few people being asked to leave their job (there was a lot of drama at some of my workplaces!:D) but I haven't ever seen that.
ETA - I read that she was escorted out of the building. I've seen quite a few people being asked to leave their job (there was a lot of drama at some of my workplaces!:D) but I haven't ever seen that.

That's actually not unusual here in the U.S. In many industries, it's standard operating procedure. My sister worked in IT, for instance, and that was done in every company for which she ever worked, whether it was an individual employee being fired or large numbers of employees being laid off in a RIF.

With respect to the firing, this woman's (now former) employer seems to have different standards for different employees:

Because Briskman was in charge of the firm’s social media presence during her six-month tenure there, she recently flagged something that did link her company to some pretty ugly stuff.

As she was monitoring Facebook this summer, she found a public comment by a senior director at the company in an otherwise civil discussion by one of his employees about Black Lives Matter.

“You’re a f------ Libtard a------,” the director injected, using his profile that clearly and repeatedly identifies himself as an employee of the firm.

In fact, the person he aimed that comment at was so offended by the intrusion into the conversation and the coarse nature of it that he challenged the director on representing Akima that way.

So Briskman flagged the exchange to senior management.

Did the man, a middle-aged executive who had been with the company for seven years, get the old “section 4.3” boot?

Nope. He cleaned up the comment, spit-shined his public profile and kept on trucking at work.
But the single mother of two teens who made an impulsive gesture while on her bike, on her day off?

Adios, amiga.

Perspective | She flipped off President Trump — and got fired from her government contracting job
Thomas A. Barthold, chief of staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, said the up to 38 million Americans with annual incomes between $20,000 and $40,000 would, on average, see a tax increase starting in 2023 under the House GOP plan.

GOP bill projected to hike taxes for many in working class

Not only are they exploding the deficit, fiving most of the benefit of tax cuts to corporations and people earning more than $1 million per year, they are actually increasing taxes for the working class.

I hope no one is surprised.
GOP bill projected to hike taxes for many in working class

Not only are they exploding the deficit, fiving most of the benefit of tax cuts to corporations and people earning more than $1 million per year, they are actually increasing taxes for the working class.

I hope no one is surprised.
This has made my blood boil. And they keep spinning it as a tax cut for the middle class as well. Hello, the math is not that complicated. As an example, I've done a preliminary calculation on my deductions, and they come out to much more than the proposed doubling of the standard deduction for a single person. If they take away the state and local tax deduction and cap the mortgage-interest deduction at $10,000, I get screwed, along with millions of other homeowners who aren't among the 1%. They would have to up the standard deduction to $15,000 to $20,000 just for many homeowners to break even, never mind actually see a tax cut.

And on NPR this morning, I heard a report that people who voted for Trump refuse to believe the reports about his approval rating and still cling to the idea that his election is good for the country. I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe.
Ralph Northam of Virginia and Phil Murphy of New Jersey, both Democrats, have won the governor’s races in their respective states.

Ralph Northam Wins the Virginia Governor’s Race

These wins, as well as wins by other Democrats today, are seen as a rebuke of Trump, his administration, and the policies of the Republican Party, not to mention a potential preview of the 2018 off-year elections.
Ralph Northam of Virginia and Phil Murphy of New Jersey, both Democrats, have won the governor’s races in their respective states.

Ralph Northam Wins the Virginia Governor’s Race

These wins, as well as wins by other Democrats today, are seen as a rebuke of Trump, his administration, and the policies of the Republican Party, not to mention a potential preview of the 2018 off-year elections.
This has been such a relief this evening!

Also, a transgender woman ousted a staunch conservative incumbent member of Virginia's House of Delegates!
I can't get over this picture. I think the photographer used one of those baby mobiles to get Trump's attention.... "Look at the bunnies, Donny!" :p

My town increased its Democrat majority on the Board of Directors (basically the town council) to 6-3, and women now hold a majority with five members. It's the first time in history the board has had a majority of women. Also, the Board of Education now has a Democrat majority. I am relieved about the national races as well. I just hope people keep up the momentum and carry this into the midterm elections next year. I'm curious to know the breakdown of those who voted in my state, especially as I'm an Independent. Voter turnout was on the high side of normal for a municipal-only election: 30 percent. Last time out, it was around 24 percent. Voters also approved a road improvements bill, which I happily supported. Fewer potholes and better sidewalks, yes, please! I never understand such low turnout for local elections. This is where a voter's voice can make the most difference, IMHO.

Sadly, I've been reading comments on various news sites from "longtime residents" who decried the results as going down a path of urban decay. In other words, they don't like diversity and blame people of color for "ruining what was once a nice little town." It's so disheartening. People in general, regardless of color, just want to make a decent living, raise families, enjoy their lives a bit.
Up for election in 362 Days:

33 US Senate seats

All 435 US House seats

198 State Executive seats

6,066 State Legislative seats
I just read that the woman that gave DT the middle finger was fired from her company. Seems very unfair!

ETA - I read that she was escorted out of the building. I've seen quite a few people being asked to leave their job (there was a lot of drama at some of my workplaces!:D) but I haven't ever seen that.

I think I should point out that she was fired not for doing it, but as I understanding it, for posting herself to her own social media. However, it seems to have been personal social media not the company one so pretty harsh. There is a lack of some of the important fine detail here, e.g. was she friends on her personal account with others at work, did her work accounts link to her personal account etc. Was her personal facebook account for friends only, or public content.

However it seems that she works as a contractor for the government, so also not a private company, so that is a consideration here. I don't agree with the decision to fire her but if you think about it it's not completely ridiculous.
Something new .... this time from Alabama:

Trump says Roy Moore should stand down if sex claims are true

To be very precise ... Dump did NOT say that Moore should step aside, rather, the first thing that he pointed out was that these are "mere allegations, from a long time ago" ...

As it is rather unlikely that Moore will step aside, Dump can then always claim that obviously, those allegations are not true (and it won't be able to "prove" them, anyway). So he is basically giving him a free pass, in my view...not surprisingly, I might say...
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