NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Completely and utterly.

The sad thing is that it took him molesting teenagers for people to take notice of what he is.

To be honest, I have been a little detached from politics lately as the whole Trump thing and the shower of **** in government as well as in the opposition party in the UK has been hard to stomach. I didn't even know Roy Moore had such awful views as I think all I had heard about was the underage girls thing in the media.

I'm very pleasantly surprised with what has happened over there for you guys with this result. Hopefully, it's a pretty optimistic sign.:)
Roy Moore is refusing to concede the election. He’s “waiting for God to call it”, or somesuch. In Alabama, a recount is automatically triggered when the results come within a half-percentage point. But Doug Jones got 20,000 more votes than Moore did, so a recount won’t happen. Still, Moore could make a real stink about the election results and possibly delay its certification. Stay tuned.
So classless on his part. Hopefully he will fade away quickly.
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Today’s cartoon, by Christopher Weyant:


“I see you serving a six-year term, but not in the Senate.”
Everyone is calling for Jones to be seated immediately. Unfortunately, the election has to be certified by the Secretary of State, and he voted for Moore, so he's dragging his feet, and says it probably won't happen until January.
It's a bit upsetting that Jones has only won by SUCH a small margin. You can be as Republican as you like, but voting someone who has sexually assaulted minors? Get fcked and get your priorities straight!
I’m still having a hard time understanding why so many white women voted for Roy Moore. I just don’t know what they see in him.

I don’t know, is it that simple?

Take a look at this:

White Evangelicals Voted En Masse For Roy Moore In Alabama, To No One's Surprise | HuffPost

Living in Germany, I am a bit hesitant to say « What is wrong with the world are people of the religion X », as we have very bad experiences with this kind of idea, but they sure do make a compelling case...:mad:
I didn't even know Roy Moore had such awful views as I think all I had heard about was the underage girls thing in the media.

Oh, goodness, I think it's amazing that anyone outside of this country is interested in/informed about a Senate race. I was talking about the people in Alabama and in the U.S. more generally. Moore has been doing his best for decades to build a national reputation on his extremist beliefs. That he's won two elections to Alabama's supreme court (and been removed twice for refusing to uphold the U.S. Constitution), with his publicly expressed opinions regarding people of color, homosexuality, immigrants, etc., is simply sickening.
I am a bit hesitant to say « What is wrong with the world are people of the religion X ...

Don't need to specify religion X, just attack all religions equally! :) Or at the very least the abrahamic religions that is to say Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

By the way, I wonder how many Trump-voting, Christian, vegetarians there are. There could be some on this forum quietly being offended by our comments and just not engaging in the debate. You keep your head down when you are so clearly in the minority.
Oh, goodness, I think it's amazing that anyone outside of this country is interested in/informed about a Senate race. I was talking about the people in Alabama and in the U.S. more generally. Moore has been doing his best for decades to build a national reputation on his extremist beliefs. That he's won two elections to Alabama's supreme court (and been removed twice for refusing to uphold the U.S. Constitution), with his publicly expressed opinions regarding people of color, homosexuality, immigrants, etc., is simply sickening.

Pretty shocking.:( Hopefully, this is the turn of the tide and people might come out and vote in more numbers for the Democrats.

Don't need to specify religion X, just attack all religions equally! :) Or at the very least the abrahamic religions that is to say Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Very inclusive to people with religious beliefs on VV. I'm not religious, but that is irritating to me.
Here is Roy Moore's 4 minute video of refusing to concede defeat.
Apparently he didn't get the memo that he has already lost.

In his video he states that "abortion, sodomy and materialism" have replaced life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He says we've "forgotten God" and claims that 60 million unborn children have been murdered.

That we've "redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family".

He says we have "even recognized the right of a man to claim to be a woman, and vice versa". The "even" comes at the end of a the long list of things supposedly wrong with the country, as if to imply that transgenderism is just about the worst possible thing he can think of.

Much of that is due to Christianity. A lot of that speech has Christianity at its core.

I think we need to respect people's right to believe in Christianity as long as they don't use it to make moral or political judgements that affect other people, and when they do, try and stop them from using their religion to develop moral and political opinions. Easier said than done....

Using your religion to justify something while not using it to justify other crazy stuff in the bible makes no sense.

10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong

Christians also killed Giordano Bruno for, amongst other things suggesting that other stars were suns like our own and probably had planets orbiting around them which maybe had life on them, which is a pretty decent theory for the 16th century. Hung upside naked and burned at the stake. Well done Christianity.
I have said before on the hidden part of the forum that I think Jamie in Chile is Indian Summer posting under a false name. I assume that is true as they seem to have the same exact views. It's so pathetic if that is the case.
I'm an atheist, but I have known many very good people who are deeply religious.

There are many good (and bad) people who are christian, muslim, jewish, athiest, and everything else, but that is not a defence of religion any more than the good meat eaters are a defence of meat eating.

I think we need to get past this idea that we can't challenge religion. Attacking religion is not the same as attacking a religious person, just as attacking meat eating is not the same as attacking the person that eats meat. It is a belief the person has. It makes no more sense to say we can't attack religion that it does to say we can't attack meat eating because people will get offended.

We can't get into a situation whereby due to risk of offending people we can't raise these issues. There are people using religion to justify racism, sexism, homophobia and so on every day.

I don't why religions should get a free pass. You are all against homophobia but you most of you will disagree with me or turn the other way if I attack christianity. But in the bible it says: "God created humans to engage in sex only within the arrangement of marriage between a male and a female." and a lot more besides. So you want LGBT equality but you want me to be respectful to Christianity. Good luck with that.

And for the Christians that don't believe things in the bible that disagree with modern science or morality, that is better, but personally I don't see the point.

EDIT: I have changed "respectful to Christians", which is what I originally wrote, to "respectful to Christianity". I think that is a better reflection of what I feel. The original implies that it's unreasonable to ask me to be respectful to Christians, or that I might not be respectful to Christians. I have some issues with the religion, not the people.
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I have said before on the hidden part of the forum that I think Jamie in Chile is Indian Summer posting under a false name. I assume that is true as they seem to have the same exact views. It's so pathetic if that is the case.

Not true, and would be very easy to disprove this, for example by me and Indian Summer each recording a video or providing you our telephone numbers to call and speak to us both in different countries.

It would only be fair to ask you to out your own real identity in the same way as part of the process.

I suggest you record a video showing yourself to everyone and to do it before I do the same since it's not fair you waste my time with this if you're not willing to spend time yourself.

If you're not willing to carry out such an exercise then I suggest you withdraw your accusation.

Sometimes, people just have similar views.

You can't go making false allegations about people with no evidence just because you don't like their views. I bet you wouldn't have made the same accusations had you agreed with our views.

I have even shared my real identity on the forum already unlike most people.
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