NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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You can't go making false allegations about people with no evidence just because you don't like their views. I bet you wouldn't have made the same accusations had you agreed with our views.
I have even shared my real identity on the forum already unlike most people.

Sorry, I believe you. I didn't mean to accuse you of being Indian Summer, I realise that would be an insult to most people.

That is a joke, obviously!

Not true, and would be very easy to disprove this, for example by me and Indian Summer each recording a video or providing you our telephone numbers to call and speak to us both in different countries.

:rofl:ETA - cannot breathe, I am laughing so much!
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I would like to clarify a little, as it was obviously me who has started this debate on religion.

I was specifically referring to « White Evangelical Christians » as I understand these people believe not only that the bible is god’s verbatim word, but also - as long as they are white - that it is better to elect a hate-filled bigoted extremist who wants to remove voting rights and equality from women and people of colour, and who is, on top, also very likely a sexual predator and child molester, than a democratic candidate, because democratic candidates obviously stand for abortion, sodomy and worse (Roy Moore’s words). Slavery was obviously bad, but during that time, at least, people had « real family values » (as long as they were white, presumably), so it was the time « America was great » (and this kind of greatness is what Trumpers want to achieve again)

Quite frankly, I have a problem with people who want to enable that... but I don’t think by what I have heard so far that Catholics, Muslims or Jews want to support that, and it even seems that black Evangelicals are smarter than that...

If there are, here on the forum, vegetarian White Evangelical Christians, then, well, I sincerely hope you would have been part of the 20% minority in that group who do not want to enable that, in which case I sincerely apologize!!!
Today’s cartoon, by Ellis Rosen:


“How the hell am I supposed to compete with that?”
You can search here to see if fake comments were sent into the FCC using your name. A lot of people are finding their deceased family member's names were used. I've found distant relative's name used with the same cut and paste comment. They did not send them.
Bad Comments – attorneygeneral.gov
Coming back (briefly) to my comments about Christianity (and other religions), I am sorry if I offended everyone. Whether or not you agree with my views, I think we can probably agree that I could have made a better effort to at least word it slightly more politely.

I do enjoy this forum and I have learned a lot here.

I personally hope we can keep this a place of robust debate, where differing and even controversial views are welcome rather than just a jolly echo chamber to pat each other on the back for having the same safe views. I think controversial views do play a role over time in changing society; it's often difficult to achieve real change for the better without upsetting people along the way.

At the same time, I can appreciate that people come to the forum (and other social media) for a bit of fun and don't need stresses and getting upset all the time, so I will try to either word things slightly more carefully, or just make sure that my controversial views are at least reasonably occassional.
The Trump administration has announced plans to withdraw a regulation that would have required organic egg producers to give their hens room to graze outdoors.

The move was widely anticipated; the U.S. Department of Agriculture has repeatedly delayed the date on which these regulations would go into effect. But organic advocates still reacted with outrage and promised to fight the decision in court.

It's an unusual situation, because in this case the demand for regulation is coming from the very organic farmers who would need to meet those new rules. But those farmers say those rules are needed to maintain a level playing field in the organic industry.

Current organic rules require animals to have "access" to the outdoors. The largest egg producers, however, have built chicken houses that hold tens of thousands of hens, and the hens have access to the outdoors only through small enclosed "porches." Under the new rules, finalized at the end of the Obama administration, these porches would no longer be adequate.

Those large egg producers have been fighting the new rules. They've been joined by some non-organic-farm groups — most prominently, the National Pork Producers Council — who see a threat in any federal regulation of animal welfare practices on farms.

Trump Administration Moves To Kill Rules For Organic Eggs
Another good article, don‘t think it was shared yet...
Black Women Are A Political Organizing Force. They’re Not Unicorns. | HuffPost

Julia Craven said:
“Don’t just overlook the hard work that we did,” said one black woman who canvassed for Doug Jones.

Carissa Crayton, who canvassed for Jones and worked for a Hillary Clinton-affiliated polling firm during the 2016 campaign, said the majority of people she saw working the polls and voting at historically black Alabama State University, where she cast her ballot, were black women.

“We did put in a lot of hard work. We hit the ground running and we did the work that it took to get Doug elected,” Crayton said. “People shouldn’t disregard that and just think … we saved the day without doing any hard work, that we just magically went out and voted and that that’s all we did.
The seven words that were to be stricken from official documents being drafted for the 2019 fiscal year budget, according to the Post, are:

  • diversity
  • entitlement
  • evidence-based
  • fetus
  • science-based
  • transgender
  • vulnerable
Settle in for a long drink... reading through it all is quite chilling. Conspiracy theories, attacks on the press, praise for tyrants, and more:


And don't forget... if Trump fires Mueller, take to the f*cking streets!! :mad:

Find out how & where: Nobody is above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Click Find more events. Watching that map fill up is quite a kick. :up:(Gray locations are full, blue ones have openings)
Rallies will begin hours after news breaks of a Mueller firing:

  • If Mueller is fired BEFORE 2 P.M. local time —> events will begin @ 5 P.M. local time
  • If Mueller is fired AFTER 2 P.M. local time —> events will begin @ noon local time the following day
    • This is the general plan—please confirm details on your event page, as individual hosts may tailor their events to their local plan.
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