NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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On Wednesday, the 335th day of his presidency, Donald J. Trump did something most extraordinary and uncharacteristic. He told the truth.

The president, celebrating his $1.5 trillion tax cut with fellow Republicans at the South Portico of the White House, was midway through his remarks when he veered sharply off message.

“I shouldn’t say this,” Trump said, “but we essentially repealed Obamacare.”

No, he probably shouldn’t have said it. But it’s true. Republicans, in rushing the tax bill to passage, kept fairly quiet about the fact that they were killing the “individual mandate” and thereby removing the engine that made the Affordable Care Act work. In doing so, they threw the health-care system into chaos without offering any remedy. And Trump just claimed paternity of the destruction.

Trump, in a Cabinet meeting earlier Wednesday, let his fleeting encounter with honesty get the better of him when he read aloud the stage directions that called for Republicans not to advertise that they were killing Obamacare. “Obamacare has been repealed in this bill. We didn’t want to bring it up,” he said. “I told people specifically, ‘Be quiet with the fake-news media because I don’t want them talking too much about it.’ Because I didn’t know how people would —.” Trump didn’t finish that thought, but he said he could admit what had been done “now that it’s approved.”

Opinion | Trump just told the truth
Not all the news reports on the Jerusalem vote included the full list of the votes. Here's the list:

UN Jerusalem resolution: How each country voted

Apart from the US and Israel, only a few countries with small populations and economies voted against the bill. 9 total.

Even the 35-strong abstain list contains few of the world's populous or powerful countries.

Virtually all the more powerful or populous countries were among the 192 opposing the US, for example Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Russia, South Korea, South Africa, Spain, UK.
I was reading a discussion on a forum I'm on and it seems like even people that said they voted Republican are ****** off about the tax bill.

They keep using the expression "clutching your pearls", I haven't heard that expression very often.:D

There are a lot of people out there who think he’s a devout Christian. I really don’t know why. I thought it was pretty obvious during the campaign that he was just pandering to religious Christians for their votes, but they were actually fooled by his act. :no:
There are a lot of people out there who think he’s a devout Christian. I really don’t know why. I thought it was pretty obvious during the campaign that he was just pandering to religious Christians for their votes, but they were actually fooled by his act. :no:
It might not matter to crazy-right-wing-so-called-Christians that Scumbag Vomit-face isn't a devout Christian as long as he pretends to be one. Scumbag has already delivered on a number of issues considered important to this group.
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