NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I want to see this happen:

Well Truth be told, he was not Roy Moore’s lawyer, but his son’s lawyer.

While I am aware that most lawyers have no compulsions about the people they defend, the son was only accused of drug charges, so I consider him a lot less despicable than Moore himself ...

But Moore’s wife claiming « Hey, we’re not anti-semitic, we have employed a Jewish lawyer ourselves » is straight up there with Dump’s statement of saying that « the only kind of people he wanted counting his money were “little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” «
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This book is likely going to have the effect that journalist access to Trump, and any journalist access within the White House, becomes reduced and more tightly controlled.

This is not a criticism of the book, although it may be a consequence of it.
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Here are some of the reviews on Amazon of Fire and Fury:

Reading this book is like being forced to eat an entire 5 gallon carton of ice cream in one sitting. It is yummy and you don't want to stop. And then you do want to stop but you can't, because the book has you roped in. You should feel good, but in reality you feel awful, because of what you just did to yourself.

I got the kindle version this morning. I probably would not have bought this. I will probably see most of this book for free as the media tears into it over the next few weeks. My decision to purchase was based solely on Trump's furious efforts to keep it from coming out. It was well worth 15$ to do my part to keep this at the top of the best-sellers list.

I am not a phony billionaire. I am a genuine hourly worker who can afford $15 to show Trump that he can't order a book out of publication in America. Also, I'm a voter.

Every once in a great while a book comes along which puts to word such profound and great truths that the whole world cannot help but stop and take notice. The Bible, the Tao Te Ching, Plato’s Republic, Newton’s Principia, Darwin’s Origin of Species and now Wolff’s Fire and Fury, an instant classic concerning the origin of a curious species of orange humanoid currently infesting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

With one fell swoop, Mr. Wolff surely has immortalized his name as a great thinker and philosopher of our age. But should you buy it? I don’t know. Should Americans try apple pie at least once in their lives? Is baseball a national treasure and/or painfully boring? Do humans need love? Is freedom a good thing? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then yes, you should buy it. In fact, you should purchase multiple copies and donate the extras to your local library so that people of all walks of life may bask in its everlasting glory.

The mere fact that Trump is spitting out more furious, poorly written tweets than the girls of my local middle school is evidence enough that this book truly gets to the decaying, tumor-ridden heart of Trump’s “presidency” and makes it worth a read. But this is also the sort of work that is going to affect our nation’s collective consciousness for years to come and is worth reading simply as a cultural artifact. I’ll spare you getting into specific quotes since I’m sure if you’re interested in this book you’ve likely already seen dozens of them plastered all over the news. But suffice it to say it paints a picture of a ship without a captain, a chaotic maelstrom where the man in charge doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing, doesn’t know what he wants to accomplish and often doesn’t even care. Instead, he essentially smashed open the presidency like a piñata and let his many hangers on, yes men and family members scratch and claw at each other for the pieces of candy that fall to the floor.

It’s pretty telling that this book actually makes former right hand man and closet-Sith Lord Steve Bannon look pretty good by comparison. Fire and Fury will confirm a lot of what you’ve probably already suspected but didn’t have much concrete evidence for. Ivanka Trump is a apparently “dumb as a brick” and stupid enough to think she has what it takes be the first female president (although I suppose that’s not too crazy considering her father somehow did it). Jared Kushner has the business style of a used car salesman and the heart of a strip club owner. Trump has the attention span of an insect, has probably never read an entire book in his life and may actually be functionally illiterate. Most of Trump’s hired professional political staffers have spent his presidency just trying to get him to do basic, basic stuff that any career politician would have done months, if not years, before assuming office. For example, his deputy chief of staff said it was like pulling teeth just to get him to come up with three basic goals he wanted to accomplish. Despite his obvious ignorance and apathy towards the actual work of politics and government, he apparently doesn’t trust experts even slightly and will often make decisions regarding complex, highly difficult topics no layman should dare attempt himself based on vague gut feelings, about like if some random passenger had to land a plane and told an actual pilot on the radio trying to help guide him to shut up, he knew what he was doing. And even if he agrees to listen to an expert brief him, it’s nearly impossible to hold his attention for more than a couple slides. Many people who’ve worked with him have likened it to working with a toddler. So yeah, if you want to know about the inner workings of our toddler in chief’s administration, here are all the gory details.
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Fire and Fury seems to be top of the sales charts pretty much everywhere, in all formats (hardcover, digital and possibly even audiobook CD). The hardcover is now sold out online at Barnes & Noble and Powell’s. Amazon apparently still has it in stock, but it takes 2 to 4 weeks to ship, even for Prime members. Alibris has some hardcover copies, but they’re selling for $61 and up. It seems that Americans don’t like being told they can’t buy a book about their president.

I’m still not sure I want to buy the book, much less read it.
I’m still not sure I want to buy the book, much less read it.

I'm not buying it, but I have put myself on the wait list at the library (#176 in line). I'm not sure I'll read it - depends on my mood at the time it becomes available.

However, I find it gratifying that dt's lawyers' cease and desist letters have had the effect of making this book a much bigger deal than it would otherwise have been. They all seem to be dumber than a box of rocks. (My apologies to rocks everywhere.)
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