NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I think I may have a serious crush on Cory Booker.... :smitten:


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Two people can have the same weight, but it’s where the weight is distributed that makes all the difference. Tim Tebow is an athlete who trains and is mostly muscle. Trump’s weight comes from mainly fat because he doesn’t exercise and has an atrocious diet. We don’t know if the numbers are accurate or not since Trump tends to lie about pretty much everything, but I can guarantee you, if you plopped him down on the football field and asked him to do what Tim Tebow does, there’s no way he could do it. He’d run out of breath in twelve seconds.
Full marks to the Zambian agency for understanding social media marketing and how to get an advertising headline into the news. Not so good execution though - would have been better to have done something anti-Trump rather than anti-American, ommitting the stars and stripes reference.

However, unfortunately, to many other countries Trump is the face of the US for now, and they don't know so much about his level of support and how divided the country is.

I think with George W Bush there was a period when it was a bit embarrassing to be from the US in Europe and many other places but that was all forgiven and forgotten by the Obama era. However, Trump is a whole other level. He is creating a more severe damage to the reputation of the US abroad, but also perhaps a more lasting one that will somewhat linger even after he has gone.
Ugh, trump and pence are speaking at an anti-abortion rally. On the positive side, that should bring out everyone who was on the fence about going to the Women's March.
Ugh, trump and pence are speaking at an anti-abortion rally. On the positive side, that should bring out everyone who was on the fence about going to the Women's March.
Actually, that should have said anti-women's rights rally. Because if men could get pregnant, abortion would sure as hell be legal without question.
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