NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I just read it's bye-bye to White House child-minder H. R. McMaster and hello to John "crazy spin doctor" Bolton as the new national (in-)security advisor.
I just read it's bye-bye to White House child-minder H. R. McMaster and hello to John "crazy spin doctor" Bolton as the new national (in-)security advisor.
Yup. GWB couldn't get Bolton confirmed as UN ambassador, because both Republicans and Democrats considered him to be such an extreme warmonger.
Today’s cartoon, by Peter Kuper:


“We’re beta-testing ways to get the President to read his briefings.”
Back from the march. We had heavy thunderstorms early this morning, and it' s been rainy and cold all day, but it was still a good turn out.

The most surprising thing for me was that here at least, there were more old people than young people. It was the oldest crowd of any of the protests I've attended in the last year and a half.
Back from the march. We had heavy thunderstorms early this morning, and it' s been rainy and cold all day, but it was still a good turn out.

The most surprising thing for me was that here at least, there were more old people than young people. It was the oldest crowd of any of the protests I've attended in the last year and a half.
I didn't get to go to the one in Hartford, CT, but I just saw on the news that around 10,000 showed up. That's pretty good for Connecticut. It looks like there were good turnouts across the country.
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