NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Here I go, jumping in head first...

As much as I dislike Trump, the alternative is worse. Unless you favor conversion therapy and living in a Theocracy..but I'm guessing most people here don't.

Although, a part of me wants to see Trump get what's coming to him.

Mueller don't let us down!
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ETA: For those who don’t want to read this in Facebook:

It is obvious now that Trump is about to make the biggest mistake of his life. He is going to fire Robert Mueller.

How he does it is what the White House is mulling over and today Huckleberry Slanders admitted it by saying Trump believes he has the authority to fire Mueller. That means they are discussing how best to do it.

The GOP is about to fracture into two camps, the ones who see the peril of going down with the Trumptanic and the pure-bred cabal of tribalists and sycophants. We've seen such falls before with the Whigs, only this will be a more spectacular fall.

Trump is certainly not making these preparations because he is innocent. He certainly doesn't want his secrets known publicly because as I have mentioned before, a liar fears the truth the way a burglar fears the police.

To any person in law enforcement, yesterday was the most revealing as to the consciousness of guilt. Trump loves to say how he hires the best people, the smartest people. He said that the Russia investigation is a witch hunt run by Obama appointees and democrats.

Jeff Sessions is a Republican.

Bob Mueller is a life-long Republican.

Andy McCabe is a life-long Republican.

James Comey was a life-long Republican.

Geoffrey Berman is life-long Republican.

Rod Rosenstein is a life-long Republican.

The 4 FISA court judges are *ALL* Republicans.

And though most of them are Trump Appointees, you haven't heard Democrats bemoaning such partisan hackery because those men are first and foremost, Americans.

It's the way Trump is lying which is most telling. He said the Federal Bureau of Investigation "broke into" Michael Cohen's offices and homes early in the morning and that it was "disgraceful." Would an afternoon appointment have been less disgraceful? The bar for raiding a lawyer's office is extremely high because attorney-client privilege is something ALL lawyers take very seriously. Couple that with a recommendation from the former head of the FBI and you know that there was a mountain of evidence against Cohen. Add to that that Rod Rosenstein personally gave the go-ahead to raid Cohen's office and you'll know that they have prima facie evidence of multiple crimes.

Of the 4 lawyers I know of in Louisville who were raided by the FBI, every one of them went to prison. Nationwide, I don't know what the rate is but I have not ever heard of any lawyer being acquitted after they are charged with federal crimes which only proves that the FBI does not make raids unless they have the evidence to convict. It is also worth noting what a master move it was for Mueller to bring in the Southern District of New York to prosecute this because Trump would also have to fire his own appointee to stop this inquiry. No matter what he might do, he will not stop this investigation.

By saying, "attorney-client privilege is dead" this morning, Trump gave a very significant tell as to his state of mind. Attorney-client privilege does not exist when the two parties are engaged in a crime. We know that Michael Cohen took out a mortgage on his home to pay Stephanie Clifford. We know banks do not hand out loans to pay settlements to porn stars. Michael Cohen did not tell the bank he was going to use the money to pay off Miss Clifford. That is bank fraud at the very least. If Trump knew about that loan and what Cohen was intending to do with that money, that is conspiracy to commit bank fraud.

That's a high crime, not merely a misdemeanor and a lot of Republicans in congress know this. Trump is threatening the very rule of law that our Republic has at its foundation. All men are created equal and even the president is subject to the same laws as the rest of us.

The crisis in the days to come is whether all these 'constitutional Republicans' actually believe in the constitution or whether they are going to let Trump keep pissing on it. I'm sticking with our founders on this.

A storm is coming and it is going to cure this disease Republicans have infected our country with for at least 2 generations.

Thomas Clay Jr.
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