NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Stormy's lawyer just announced that he's been told by Cohen's legal team that Cohen will be pleading his fifth amendment rights in response to any questions Stormy's lawyer may ask him. Also, they are going to be asking for an emergency stay of Stormy's defamation suit.
A top GOP fundraiser and prominent backer of President Trump stepped down from his Republican National Committee post Friday after revelations that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen arranged a $1.6 million settlement with a former Playboy model the donor had impregnated.

RNC deputy finance chair steps down after admitting Trump’s lawyer negotiated settlement between him and pregnant Playboy model

The president's lawyer is apparently the go to guy if you need to make a payoff to cover your tawdry behavior.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has proof that President Trump’s personal lawyer made a secret trip to Prague during the 2016 campaign despite his denial that he'd ever been there, McClatchy reported Friday.

It is not clear why Michael Cohen was in Prague. The claim he visited was originally made in a dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Cohen denied that he'd ever been to Prague "in my life" after the dossier's publication, tweeting a photo of his passport.

Mueller can prove Cohen made secret trip to Prague before the election: report
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Farewell to a Hypocrite - WhoWhatWhy
We have some suggestions for potential jobs based on his experience and passions:

  • Anything the Koch brothers want.
  • Truck driver for major corporations so that he can drive truckloads full of money through the loopholes in the tax code he created.
  • Working in the claims denial department of an insurance company.
  • A job in a school cafeteria where he can make fun of kids getting subsidized lunches.
  • Literally throwing old people under buses.
Comey claims that Trump is morally unfit to be President. He is also claiming that 1+1=2 and that bears **** in the woods.
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