NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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86 45 anti Trump t shirt

GOP-led House panel finds no collusion between Trump campaign, Kremlin

In other news, pressured by the humans who own the farm, a panel of foxes got together publicly to determine if some of their own conspired together to raid the henhouse and kill the chickens. They determined that it was bad judgement on the part of the suspected foxes to raid the henhouse while the humans were around to see it, but that there was no evidence that the foxes worked together. They declared privately, however, that there was nothing inherently wrong with raiding henhouses and killing the chickens, because “We foxes gotta do what we can to stay alive, and hunting in the woods like every other wild animal has just gotten too hard.”
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I think Michelle Wolf's attacks on Sarah Sanders were cheap and uncalled for. I think it's sad if (some) liberals are so unwilling to concede a single point that they will criticise people who criticise that joke. This is the kind of thing that divides the country and firms up the Republican core vote.

A shame because the rest of the routine was very good and very on point. Interesting the shots of the crowd during the speech. An even mix of people laughing and people staring back with a stern face. (Not in the Sanders part, but in general.)
I think Michelle Wolf's attacks on Sarah Sanders were cheap and uncalled for. I think it's sad if (some) liberals are so unwilling to concede a single point that they will criticise people who criticise that joke. This is the kind of thing that divides the country and firms up the Republican core vote.

A shame because the rest of the routine was very good and very on point. Interesting the shots of the crowd during the speech. An even mix of people laughing and people staring back with a stern face. (Not in the Sanders part, but in general.)
I have 't watched it, but I have a hard time imagining what a comedienne might say about a person who lies for someone like trump on a daily basis that I would find objectionable.
I guess I could have put this in the Star Wars thread, but I'm just not comfortable with the idea of this image residing there.... LMAO :p

MS, that is not acceptable.

Melania T. is in no way like princess Leia, she chose her fate freely out of greed. May she rot or burn in that hell of her own making. Dump is portrayed precisely.
I think Michelle Wolf's attacks on Sarah Sanders were cheap and uncalled for. I think it's sad if (some) liberals are so unwilling to concede a single point that they will criticise people who criticise that joke. This is the kind of thing that divides the country and firms up the Republican core vote.

A shame because the rest of the routine was very good and very on point. Interesting the shots of the crowd during the speech. An even mix of people laughing and people staring back with a stern face. (Not in the Sanders part, but in general.)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a bald faced liar! No shame whatsoever. I have no problem with Michelle Wolfs calling her out for it, nor Jim Carreys' caricatures
I think Michelle Wolf's attacks on Sarah Sanders were cheap and uncalled for. I think it's sad if (some) liberals are so unwilling to concede a single point that they will criticise people who criticise that joke. This is the kind of thing that divides the country and firms up the Republican core vote.

A shame because the rest of the routine was very good and very on point. Interesting the shots of the crowd during the speech. An even mix of people laughing and people staring back with a stern face. (Not in the Sanders part, but in general.)
That "Handmaid's Tale" Joke At The WHCD Was Not A Slam On Sarah Sanders' Looks
In case you were confused...
I now have watched Michelle Wolf's piece.

I noted this: Unlike the current inhabitant of the WH and many of his minions, she did not attack anyone's appearance or physical traits (she did make fun of her own appearance and voice). She did make pointed comments about many people's actions.

I think that being judged on our actions is entirely appropriate.
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