NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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MS, that is not acceptable.

Melania T. is in no way like princess Leia, she chose her fate freely out of greed. May she rot or burn in that hell of her own making. Dump is portrayed precisely.

I didn't create the image, silly-pants. :rolleyes: But I do believe, in a sense, she is a "kept woman"... I'd love to get a glance at that pre-nup.... :confused:

And no, Melania will never be like Leia. She's not strong enough. Maybe she'll wise up some day & fight for the Resistance.... :p
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I fully agree with the comments on the WH Correspondents’ Dinner!


While she was certainly using strong language, Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer are among the most despicable specimens of this administration (and that actually is saying a lot), any criticism of them is quite legitimate.

And if you are offended by “a woman and mother being insulted”, well, the best way would be to tell that woman and mother she should stop behaving in a despicable way, then maybe she won’t get critisized...
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This is the latest comment I posted on Raw Story regarding the roast:

If it’s true that SHS took the entire roasting in stride and wasn’t offended by MW’s jokes, then it sounds like typical sexist patriarchal behavior: Regardless of how the target herself feels about it, let’s immediately leap to the defense of a fragile white flower who’s too delicate to defend herself against evil. Let’s speak for our womenfolk so they don’t have to speak for themselves and concern themselves with the ugly world outside their own little bubble. Never mind that she has a job outside the home. Never mind that the job requires her to lie creatively on behalf of a fascist dictator, 24/7. Never mind that she’s basically an idiot. Let’s protect her against everything before she foolishly wades into the fray and betrays her weaker gender by voicing opinions she shouldn’t be having.

I’m reminded of a bumper sticker I once saw on the back of a truck: Seven brothers, one sister: Seven strong brothers to protect a fragile flower. (Or something to that effect: It was a VERY long time ago.) My jaw dropped at the blatant sexism.
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I have to ask this question: Do you suppose Kanye West has a brain tumor that would affect logic and personality, or has he always been an ignorant jerk? Asking for a friend.
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Also known as “Among the blind the one-eyed man is king” ... catch is, however, that there is nobody who is so incompetent to make Dump look good ....
You can always count on Randy to make us laugh as the ship is going down.

Not a video about Trump, but about his supporters debate tactics. Worth understanding how they operate.

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